Trying to familiarize myself with it, I grabbed the spear with a sturdier grip and spun it around- twirling it behind behind my back, spinning it over my head, and swinging it into both of my arms, ready for an attack and happy with how easily this was coming to me.

One of them didn't want to just look at me anymore, so they started to stalk towards me, making me smirk - my shark-like teeth showing - as I waited for it to attack me.

As soon it sprung at me I readied the spear in my right hand, ready to throw it, and when it landed in front of me I threw it at him- watching the spear go into his head, through his body, out through his butt, and through the hellhound behind him; leaving me with two "doggies" and no weapon left.

Not sparing me a second, the last two dogs sprung at me, making me ditch the idea of trying to fish the spear out of a dead animal. Seeing the closest dog's head was a couple feet from me, I roundhouse kicked the side of his head- making his direction of force go from me and into the nearest tree. Though he wasn't dead, it did give me time to try and weaken the other dog as well.

Just as I turned to take care of the dog coming at me, I saw my life flash before my eyes when the thing hit me like a linebacker, my neck almost snapping when I hit the floor.

As soon as I hit the ground it landed on top of me and growled, as it attempted to cut through me with its claw. Seeing that, I blocked the attack and grabbed its leg- knowing my grip on it wouldn't last long.

Doing the first thing I could think of on instinct, I grabbed the nearest thing to me (which happened to be a big branch that fell off a tree) and slammed him in the face with it, not wanting my actual hands anywhere near its mouth.

I got up from the ground as quick as I could, hoping that the dogs were still not completely conscious so I could think of a next move.

"It only gets better, Michelle," the man cackled, now sending in two dogs with three heads each.

What the hell does this guy do in his free time? Is he some type of fucking scientist?

"Once I'm done with these weirdos, you're going to wish you were never made," I growled, watching cautiously as the four dogs circled me.

"Okay, sure," the man said lazily. "But we both know you can't get past a cerberus. None of these are even trained hunters, here. They don't know strategy. They just know murder."

"Huh," I mumbled as I looked at the animals's disturbing, blood-thirsty faces. "That's good to know."

"Nice knowing you, pumpkin," the man cooed, making a growl vibrate in my throat as the cerberuses and hellhounds all lunged for me at the same time.


Eight cereberuses, ten hellhounds, and one bloodbath later I stood with the last hellhound, eying him with completely black eyes- officially done with this man's bullshit.

I'm just sad that this dog's going to have to go through torture because of it.

"I can't wait to kill you, so I can gut you out and eat you up," the hellhound cackled, making my claws grow and my fangs lengthen.

That's it. I've had enough.

"You're dead," I said, before running over to him without five seconds passing by, immediately digging one of my claws into it's neck.

It's made a strangled choking sound and reached a foreleg over to swipe me across the face. Even though I've been fighting with these things for what feels like days, when it was probably just a couple hours, the anger and blood-thirst that was in me at that point was enough to shock me awake again.

Hell's Personal Assassin: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now