Chapter 24

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Carlos pov

My foot was impatiently tapping on the ground of private jet as the clock was ticking down. Walking to where the pilots are and asking how long till we land.

We did what we did at there old house and went back to the airport after visiting the hospital to check my hand. It got even worse because of the damage that I did on Charles father and I'm not sorry.

The other also had to check out on their hand. You can yell at him all you want but touch him I don't think so. We arrived home and went to bed after changing my clothes.

Charles looked so peaceful, cute and adorable at the same time. I pulled the covers back and got in bed and wrapped my good hand around his waist and pulled him closer and kissed his cheek.

I woke up with no Charles beside me and called out his name and went to the bathroom his not there. I got ready and went down the stairs and saw him by the pool reading a book.

I slide the door open and he still doesn't notice me. He moves around and his breathing increases when I got near him. He still doesn't look up at me he closes the book and startles when he sees me in front of him.

" what's the book about " I asked and his face turned reddened. " j-just about two people falling in love " he said stuttering and getting up to leave grabbing the book holding it tightly.

I stopped him and pulled him back and put my face in his neck and placed a kiss on his neck and led him go. Twisted love. I will ask Shakira about it later I saw her reading it once.

Speaking of asking her about the book she appears out of the blue. I walk up to her and asked if I can speak to her and she brought us to the lounge chairs.

" the book you read what's it about " I asked straight to the point. " what book " she said acting confused. " twisted love " I said looking at her she smiled. " oh that it's about two people falling in love it's really good " she said and took her book and began reading.

I can't tell whether she's lying or not. I got up and bumped into Lewis by the corner. He stopped me in my tracks and pulled me back. " I think Kira is lying to me about her book " he said out of nowhere " he call Shakira that got short.

I nodded and told him also the same thing about Charles reading the same book. We made a plan to take the book from Shakira while she's " distracted " if you know what I mean.

Lewis went up to her and made a conversation. I'm just watching and chilling waiting for the signal. She put the book down and Lewis pulled in her for a kiss and I ran to get the book.

The distraction is kissing don't think to far dirty minded people. He pulled away and put her down on the lounge chair and went over to me.

When I tell you this woman ran to get the book back she did but too bad she's short. I opened where to bookmark is placed and read out loud. " he pulled back and slammed back hard into her " I stopped and looked at her shocked while her face is red.

Charles was behind Shakira eyes wide and cheeks red from embarrassment holding a book the same one. I smirked and made eye contact with him.

" is this what you have been reading " I asked him taking steps forward. " about two people fucking " I said and put two fingers under his chin and lifted it up. He nodded and looked away face red of being caught red handed.

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