Chapter 9

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Charles pov

As the sun shined through the window into my face I rubbed my eyes. I smell food downstairs and tried to get up but was pulled back.

Turning my body I see Carlos arms wrapped around me. I carefully moved his hands off of me and used the bathroom.

I went downstairs and greeted the others that are fully awake. In the middle of eating breakfast Carlos came downstairs shirtless hair wet.

I bit my lip looking him up and down my eyes went back to his face and saw a smirk. I looked away hiding my flushed face.

After we all ate we sat in the living room watching a movie. Later in the day I asked Max for a lift home cause he was leaving with Daniel.

I said my goodbyes and left out the door with my art supplies. I finally arrived back to my house. I get a text message but I remind myself to check it later as I'm busy with schoolwork.

2 hours later I'm done with 2 out of 6 posters I'm gonna do and washed my hands. I checked my phone mad a couple texts from family and Carlos.

I smiled but before I could open the text my front door opened I looked back and saw my parents. I ignored them and opened the text.

Carlos: bebé, im not gonna be available for the next couple hours I'll inform you when I land safely in Las Vegas for race week and practice.

Me: okay have a nice flight Beau and say hi to Lewis for me.

I put my phone down and saw my parents and siblings standing by the kitchen island looking at me with knowing looks.

I'm not going anywhere anytime soon but try moving away but got stop by my mom with the look.

I sit down hands on my chin ready to answer all there questions. " what's he's name? " " how old is he? " " what does he do for a living ? " " does he go to school ? " " where does he live ? "

Jesus I looked at them one by one not knowing where to start. I took a deep breath knowing they will probably not believe me.

" umm he's name is Carlos uhh " I said answered one question already but hesitated saying he's age " uhh he's he's 31 years old " I said closing my eyes to afraid to open them.

I slowly opened them and saw their shock expression " he's a f1 driver I don't know where he lives and no he doesn't go to school " I said all in one bracing myself for the worst and then saying I'm crazy and delusional.

My parents looked at me blinking there eyes taking in the information and not believing me. Meanwhile the two idiots gave each other knowing looks like I'm not watching them.

" honey are you sure it's not some old man you're talking to " my mom worried I shook my head no. I get where she's coming from Carlos is really famous and some will make accounts calming there him but I know who I'm talking to.

While my siblings hold on their laugh. I stand up facing them directly. " mom I know you're worried but I promise it's not an old man and I meet him in real life. " I said but faced my brothers next " and no I'm not delusional " I said pointing my finger at them.

It caused them to burst out laughing I would to laugh if my brother told me he was seeing Alicia Keys. I looked at my dad " dad please say something " my sweating hands on my shirt.

I don't know how long we have been standing when my phone rang with an incoming call. I looked at it then my parents they nodded.

I grabbed it and answered it when Carlos face showed. " hey I hope you're not busy that I called " he said in a very sexy voice I held back biting my lip.

I shook my head no. " words Prince " he said another nickname. " no absolutely not just here with family " I said when he's eyes widened.

" oh god I should of texted you before I just called I'm sorry " he said concerned that he called that a bad time.

" no you called at the right time beau " I said walking towards my family. I cleared my throat " mom, dad, Lorenzo and Arthur this Carlos and Carlos this is my family " I said introducing them over FaceTime.

Arthur and Lorenzo mouth open looking at the screen then to me  with my parents not far behind. 

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