Chapter 26

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Charles pov

I looked in the mirror and I was indeed drooling. I wiped it away and turned my attention to Donatello playing with the hem of my shirt.

I walked through the living room to the kitchen to get him something to eat. I put him down and he cried reaching his arms to me to pick him up.

I let him cry it out till I had his food he clung to my pants till we made it to the living room. I sat him on my lap calming the toddler down before feeding him.

" uncle chawles outside " Donatello said. Pointing outside at the backyard. Kids are fast I felt like I ran a whole marathon taking my water bottle drinking the whole thing in one go,

I pick him up going inside I slopped down onto the couch. " you good " Perrie said chuckling. " no I feel like I'm dying "
I said getting up after Max took his son.

Going upstairs I take a shower and took Carlos clothes
going to bed under the covers. Sleep takes over the second my head hit the pillow.

9 hours later

My eyes fluttered open and I looked around it's dark outside. I tried getting up but they are arms wrapped around me. I moved Carlos arms carefully off me and went to the bathroom.

I did my business and went out back to the bedroom to see Carlos fully awake. " did I wake you up " I said my voice hoarse. " no you didn't baby " he says. I went back into his arms and my stomach crumpled.

" let's go eat " he said and lifted me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist and buried my head in his neck. He put me on the counter and stood between my legs " what do you want " he said smiling looking me up and down.

My face was flushed " chicken sandwich " I said. He grabbed my face and kissed and pulled away starting on my sandwich. A few minutes later there was a plate in front of me.

I pecked his lips and took a bite of the sandwich he looked nervous for my reaction. I nodded my head and looked up at him " it's so good " I said tilting my head to the side smiling.

I finished the sandwich and handed Carlos my plate then jumping off the counter. I walked to the living room and sat down on the couch turning on the television.

I go on Netflix when Carlos sat down next to me hand on my thigh I clicked on love is blind. I was to focused on the show when I heard someone yell my name.

" have you seen the internet " Daniel said. I looked at Carlos and shook my head no. He handed me his phone.

Oh god. No

Carlos pov

When Daniel asked us if we seen the internet I knew something bad had happened. I hunched over and my mouth dropped didn't think it would be this bad I saw he face go pale.

He is reading the comments and I slapped the phone out of his hand. He doesn't need to stress his mind with those stupid comments.

" don't read those comments and the headlines they ate saying nonsense they know nothing " I said and turned my attention to Daniel.

" sorry about the phone I'll get it repaired " I said. My eyes still fixed on Charles. My phone rang and took it out my pocket mom. That can't be good.

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