Chapter 8

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Charles pov

I will forever thank Lewis girlfriend Shakira for letting me borrow her laptop. I have a project to make posters do the art myself using creativity.

I fiddled with my fingers walking towards Carlos looking down. " is there something wrong Charles " Shakira asked me and everyone's eyes were on me.

" I need to go to target and buy supplies for my project but my cars not here " I said not making eye contact. " come on. Let's go " Carlos said not thinking twice taking my hand in his saying goodbye to everyone else.

I smiled when he opened the car door for me making sure i don't hit my head on the roof of the car before closing the door. We made to target and got inside taking a cart with Carlos closely behind.

We got to aisle seven seeing the art pencils I needed there but they're up high. I stand on my tippy toes still not reaching when I felt a hand on my waist. I looked up and saw Carlos standing beside me taking what i needed and hand it to me thanking him I put it in the cart.

" anything else you need from here princípe " I blushed at the nickname not knowing what it means. " can you get the those sketch books for me up high by the HB pencils " I said pointing we're exactly it is.

He got it and placed it in the cart. We got everything on my list and walked to the cashier to pay. I got my wallet out to get money when I felt a hand on mine and looked at Carlos shaking his head handing his credit card to the cashier.

I was gonna protest against it but everything already got payed for. No one ever payed anything for me. I always have to pay for myself.

Carlos got everything in his hands not letting me carry anything. I opened the trunk he put the bags in and closed it after walking me to the passenger seat doing the same thing he did when we left.

" thank you for paying you didn't have to " I said once he got seated " no problem just remember as long as you're with me you don't pay for anything got it " he said caressing my cheeks.

I nodded we're not even in a relationship and he's doing these nice things for me no one ever did not even my past boyfriends.

We left the parking lot he even asked if I wanted anything from Starbucks and some food. He got me my drink now we're headed to a restaurant to pick up our food.

We're headed home now the car came to a sudden stop turning my head towards Carlos to see we have arrived.

He told me to head inside that he well get the bags. I went inside Starbucks in hand with food. I sit down on the couch when the rest came down.

Lewis raised his eyebrow " where is Carlos didn't y'all leave together " I nodded pointing to the car. Just then he walked in hands with target bags.

Everyone looked surprised " you never do something nice for anyone " Perrie said but Carlos just ignored there opinions eating his food.

Even though I have two weeks turn in the project I get started on it. Now to have inspiration on something or someone.

But let's be honest I'm not gonna actually start sleep took over me in the middle of sketching. I felt someone picking me up holding me close to there chest they smell so nice.

The last thing I heard before the darkness took over me " goodnight bebé sleep well " then I felt the person kiss my cheek I nuzzled my head in there chest farther.

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