Chapter 32

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Charles pov

I wake up and run to the bathroom to throw up after that I get ready. I'm never drinking again going downstairs I go in the kitchen and make coffee.

It's 1:22 pm lunch time the ladies and I go in the kitchen to go and prepare lunch. Daniel comes in the kitchen and makes a cup of coffee.

He leaves soon after " Charles you have really short shorts on. I gotta say you have a fine ass. " Anna Perrie's girlfriend bits her lips staring at my ass.

" uhh thank you " I mumble out furrowing my eyebrows. Shakira nudged my side I just shrugged my shoulder I didn't know what else to say.

" Lunch is ready " Anna shouted out there's running from the living room. We see the boys all trying to fit through the door. Their all saying no I should go first blah, blah, blah all bullshit.

" can you all just come in one by one please and stop acting immature I should first no I should first " I mock all of them and turn around taking Anna and Shakira's hand and walking to a chair.

They listen to what I said and walked in one by one when Carlos stopped looking at me. " aren't you gonna sit down " I look at him then back at my phone.

" I'm not sitting down unless you're not next to me. " I roll my eyes at his antics. " well you can live without me next to you for a few minutes. " I look him up and down then back to eating.

He sighed but sat down. I got up and took my plate to the kitchen and washed it. The girls came out the same time as the guys. Carlos came up to me wrapping his arms around hips.

" what's with the attitude mi príncipe " Carlos put his hand on chin to make me look up at him. I roll my eyes at him when his hand goes around my neck.

" don't roll your eyes at you " his voice low backing me up against the door. " what are you gonna do if I do it again " I act innocently while playing with his finger and looking up at him.

" oh, don't act so innocently drop the act love " Carlos grabs my chin a dark look in his eyes. I smirk knowing I got him where I want.

" what do you mean. " I frown my eyebrows. Walking out the door I feel his eyes on me I make sure to walk extra. I didn't get far before I feel his hands wrapped around me again.

" and where do you think you're going " he held me tightly and out of nowhere he threw me over his shoulder and smacked my ass.

" we'll be back " Carlos pointed to him and i and walked up the stairs.

Hey guys so I have this new book that I came up with and I just uploaded the first chapter I will update this one soon let me know how if you love the new or you like it.

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