Chapter 13

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Charles pov

It's been a few days since the media found out about who I was. I'm in the kitchen cooking.

The front door opened and closed hearing footsteps coming towards this direction. I felt hands wrapped around my waist.

" it smells good in here " Carlos spoke up kissing my cheek. I nodded at him continuing to cook.

" I'm gonna back up a little " I said as I don't wanna "accidentally" have my ass by his dick.

He moves away letting me do my thing " I'm gonna go take a shower, where's the bathroom " Carlos said and I told him the directions to the bathroom with looking back.

I hummed to lyrics of a familiar song dancing a while later when it got hot I took my sweatshirt off.

I already had a McLaren's shirt underneath it. I reached the top of the shelf and took two plates setting the table up.

" what are you wearing " I heard Carlos voice say. I turned around looking at him innocently. " uh, clothes " I said looking down at the shirt.

He walked towards me pinning me against the cabinets " take it off " he said his voice low but sexy. Not now Charles.

" What " I said looking up at him not taking him seriously. " you heard me " he said. This time mad.

I shook my head no trying to get away. He held me in place not bulging " you aren't allowed to wear any other man's number expect mine " he said voice lowered but hot.

I nodded again free from the tensed moment. He pulled me back in his arms." words baby " he said turning me to face him.

I blushed at the nickname " yeah, babe " decided to take upon calling him that. He smiled taking my hands leading me to the dining table to eat.

Not before changing into another shirt. I didn't think he would be this mad about a shirt. Anyway the rest of the day went smoothly.

We "hang out" every chance we get this week cause we're both gonna be busy next week.

Him with racing and he needs to focus and not be distracted and me with my school and project.

It's almost done just need to add little things and it's done. It was our last day now and Carlos was bringing me somewhere not giving any hints where we're going.

He just sent me a text " get ready I'll be there in 30 minutes " now I'm trying to figure out what to wear.

I finally decided on a blue shirt and black jeans (not skinny) with a watch and a necklace.

I heard a car in the driveway and went downstairs and opened my door. Carlos got out of the car with flowers in hand and something behind his back.

He came to me and handed me the flowers looking at me as I smelled it. He greeted me by the door and he took the thing from behind him.

It was a black box he opened it and in it was two bracelets CNC with diamonds on the sides. My mouth dropped looking up at him then down at the gift.

This is the most expensive gift someone ever got me. Tears begin making its way in my eyes happy tears. I hugged him not letting go he swayed back and forth.

He kissed my cheek wiping my tears with his thumb and put a bracelet on my hand. I took the other and put it on his hand.

We looked at each other neither of us moving just staring he stared leaning in closely till he stop debating in his head. I closed the gap and kissed him softly on the lips.

He put one hand on my waist and the other on my back pulling me closer. I put my arms around his neck. It was passionate slow kinda kiss.

I pulled away letting our foreheads touch  taking in the moment of what happend. I smiled still feeling his lips lingering on mine.

He reconnected our lips again I can him smiling then he pulled away. He took my hand in his locking my door and taking me to his car.

He opened my door for me even making sure I don't hit my head and closed it going to his side.

He started the engine then pulling out the driveway. After a couple minutes of driving he looked between me and road " did anyone tell you, you look beautiful " he said licking his lips.

I blushed deep red " you did " I said not making eye contact. He put his hand on my thigh " and I'll tell you for the rest of my life till I die " he said smiling when the car came to a stop.

I tried to look up but he blindfolded me before I could and stepped out the car coming to my side and opening the door for me.

He lead me somewhere and counted and took the blindfold of me.

I looked in shock this is a nice view not just any view it a beautiful sunset and there's a little picnic setup.

I turned around and Carlos just shrugged making his way towards me this is unbelievable no one ever treated me this way before and went of there way to do this.

I'm still processing all this when I got disturbed by a voice " what you thinking about there baby " I shook head no.

He took my hand telling me it's okay I hesitated " no one ever did this for me like treated me this way before you're the first person " I said after some time.

He furrowed his eyebrows " well then they're stupid and didn't deserve you " he said when he suddenly got nervous. I have never seen him this nervous before.

" hey what's wrong why are you so nervous " I said taking his hand in mine. " cause I have been wanting to ask you this for a ever long time " he said taking a deep breath.

" will you be my boyfriend " he said smiling looking hopeful. My eyes widened he, he wants to be my boyfriend.

I must have taking to long to answer " you know what for— " I cut him off with a kiss. I pulled away with my hands on his chest.

" Yes "

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