Chapter 45: Advice

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(Some hours later, Sora has completely recovered, and is ready to repair his driver.)

Sora: Okay... only this time...

(Meanwhile, Ruan Mei and Kagerou are having a private conversation with their future daughter in the training room.)

Mai: (sighs) I guess I owe you an explanation, don't I?

Kagerou: Well, you're our daughter, aren't you?

Mai: (sighs) Alright, the truth then... I was born with more malice than both of you combined... and every time I transform into a Malgam, I can't surpress my instincts.

Kagerou: (in mind) We must be better.

(Kagerou pulls a "We must be better" vibe and advises his future daughter.)

Kagerou: Girl, listen close. I am from a distant land. I made a deal with a god that cost me my soul. I killed many who were deserving... and many who were not.

(He approaches his future daughter.)

Kagerou: My parents died in an accident.

Mai: In a car crash... is this what it is to be an alchemist? Is this how it always ends? Kids losing their mothers... and fathers?

(Kagerou approaches Mai and caresses her cheeks.)

Kagerou: No. (pats her shoulders) We will be the alchemists we choose to be, not those who have been. Who I was is not who you will be. We must be better.

(Ruan Mei approaches her daughter and husband.)

Mai: Well, guess we're heroes in our own stories.

Kagerou: And subsequently bad guys in some people's eyes. But most of them can never make such choice. We should finish this journey while I still have strength.

(Kagerou then gets up as Mai undertsands what her father wants to convey, and is very happy.)

Mai: Thank you, father. (an aurora curtain opens up) I must return to the future now. (waves at them) Goodbye.

(She goes through the aurora curtain and returns to her timeline as Ruan Mei pouts.)

Ruan Mei: Great, now I won't even get to pet her cheeks anymore.

Kagerou: She has grown up, and she's no longer a child.

(Meanwhile at Mai's timeline, she is seen returning to her house as she meets her parents (Future Kagerou and Future Ruan Mei.)

Kagerou (Future): Mai?

Mai: Hey, old man.

Ruan Mei (Future): Where have you been? You had us worried, you know.

Mai: In the past, meeting your past selves, and helping them save Sora. And I even got an advice that will change me forever.

(Future Kagerou feels somewhat reassured, knowing that his and his wive's past selves had taken good care of their daughter.)

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