Chapter 21: Ambushed

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(The tensions have been temporarily subsided, no one had taken action for time being.)

(Meanwhile, a vigilante is seen shooting Twice, Magne, and other members of the League of Villains. Toga is the last one remaining.)

Toga: (scared) Whoever you are, please have mercy.

Toga: (scared) Whoever you are, please have mercy

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Red Hood: Like you showed any to your victims...

(He then shoots Toga's head, killing her. After that, he leaves as he makes sure nobody will track him.)

(Meanwhile, the Alchemist Federation, Houtarou and Issei had received an annonymous message about someone need their help.)

(Cut to Playtime Factory, Kagerou suspects about the message.)

Kagerou: Hmm... this could be a trap... but the lack of evidences... prevents me from being sure about that...

(Cut to Kitchen ICHINOSE, Issei and Houtarou also suspected that was a trap.)

Houtarou: Could this be a trap?

Issei: Maybe, but there's also a possibility of someone needing our help.

(The duo then goes to the place where the message was sent from, and once they get in there, they send their signal for help. Once Kagerou, Ruan Mei and Sora come in, Sora notices something suspicious.)

Sora: Guys... (sees an Atlas Soldier) Look!

(They realize that it's a trap, but suddenly some tapes wrap around them, and both Class 1-A and Team JNPR surround them as they take their drivers and cards, except for Sora's. Jaune then contacts the Headmasters.)

Jaune: This is Jaune Arc! We got the Alchemists, the criminal and Issei!

(Ironwood appears from afar, and laughs at the Alchemists.)

Ironwood: Now I see why Ozpin let you stay in our Academy, Mr. Arc. You proved to be really useful so far.

Sero: (stern) Hey, what about me? I was the one who trapped them!

Bakugo: (glares) You idiot. It was obvious such a simple task wouldn't gain much credit.

Rikido: Come on, we got them, didn't we? It's all that matters.

(Ironwood then smirks deviously.)

Ironwood: Your resistance is futile, alchemist scums! It's just a matter of time until the Dark Door in the Ouroboros Realm is opened.

(Kagerou, Ruan Mei and Houtarou get startled by hearing that.)

Houtarou: The Dark Door?

Kagerou: (stern) I knew it!

Sora: What is the Dark Door?

Issei: And what is the Ouroboros Realm?

Ironwood: (to Team JNPR) Take Issei back to Rias and her peerage.

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