Chapter 37: Dreadriver's Origins

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(At Gosha-Kagura's academy, The Alchemist Federation members felt weak due to the fact that Sora was unconscious.)

Kagerou: I still can't believe Sora went this far to save me...

Ruan Mei: Not to mention he can fluently use both of our fighting styles combined...

Kagerou: We're gonna have to return the favor. (sees the damaged Dreadriver) And I know how I can repay him.

(Kutaro and some of his girls approach them.)

Kutaro: How can I help you guys?

Kagerou: You can't.

Kutaro: Why not?

Kagerou: (sighs) Look, if I could, I would accept your help, Kutaro... but the truth is that only Sora has the Dreaddriver's blueprint, and his base has already been destroyed.

(Kutaro sighs in sadness, seeming to understand. Black Swan then gives Sora's memory bubble to Kagerou.)

Black Swan: Here, you will find the origins of the Dreadriver.

(Then everyone sees how Sora created the Dreadriver by sacrificing criminals and turning their bloods into metal. But to complete it, he used the UFO-X's energy. Kagerou got quite surprised about that.)

Kagerou: No wonder he recruited criminals... he needed them to build the driver...

Kutaro: Why would he do that?

Ruan Mei: It's the evil method of alchemy.

Asagi: Evil method? Like the opposite side of the alchemy?

Ruan Mei: Precisely. It uses blood refining metals instead of using compounds to turn a base metal into a precious metal. And as the name says, it can easily cause those who follow this evil path to be corrupted in both mind and ideals.

Sakura: That explains why he wanted to destroy this world. He got both his mind and ideals distorted.

(Everyone at the infirmary is shocked by the origins of the Dreadriver and the method used to create it.)

(As the screen goes black, Jonathan Vincent comes in his Kamen Rider Neo Orga form.)

Neo Orga: Dude, that was a bit shocking. Well, spoiler alert for the next episode. A certain Amazon and someone who looks like Valvarad are going to fight each other. Well, see ya.

(He disappears as the chapter ends.)

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