Chapter 22: Operation Ouroboros (Part 1)

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(After helping the alchemists to escape Ironwood's ambush, the alternate Kagerou decides to explain why he is here.)

Alt. Kagerou: I am here because I have the same goal as you guys, Kutaro and any other individual who opposes Union, or as you call it... "Union Supreme".

Issei: So you seek to destroy Union as well.

Alt. Kagerou: Precisely. In my world, because of Union, the coexistence between humans and fangires became impossible. The reason is because the war between the Fangire and humanity has caused the population to decline to the point where it cannot thrive. Although my tribe survived, we couldn't live with humans. I also realized there is some signs of Kivat's power around here.

????: Found you, bastard!

(Jason comes in.)

Jason: Prepare to pay for what you did to Marry and ste-OUCH!

(The Alternate Kagerou throws Kiva-La at Jason's face.)

Alt. Kagerou: This... is not the Kiva-La I seek.

(Prime Kagerou then turns to Issei and Sora.)

Kagerou: About the Ouroboros Realm... it's an alternate world used by the deceased Fuga Kudo as his hide-out, laboratory, and secret place to store the Ride Chemy Cards. And the Dark Door is a mysterious existence hidden in the Ouroboros Realm's giant Ouroboros. Ozpin is seemingly plotting to unleash what is behind the Dark Door.

Sora: And what is behind that door, sensei?

Kagerou: A three-eyed monster that is said to have the power to turn everything into gold.

Houtarou: I remember having gotten in there years ago...

Ruan Mei: According to my research, three pieces are required to open the Dark Door. The Chemys are the paths, the level 10 Chemy is the compass, Sora's Dreaddriver is the furnace, Houtarou's Gotchardriver is the key, Valvaradriver is the blast furnace and Alchemisdriver is the refining furnace.

Sora: And considering the current situation, the only one who can still fight is...

(Everyone turns to Issei, who gets confused.)

Issei: Me?

Houtarou: Your Daybreak card set is not affected, Issei.

Alt. Kagerou: It's worth taking this risk. I'll help you guys to enter the Ouroboros Realm. Of course, only three individuals can accompany me.

Kagerou: And they are?

Alt. Kagerou: Houtarou... Issei... and... (points somewhere) him.

(Everyone turns to see Kutaro as the alternate Kagerou pointed his finger at him, and then the screen fades out.)

(To be continued)

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