Chapter 13: Plans for Counterattack

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(At Union Supreme's main room, Sirzechs slams his fist on the table as he is angry about Issei's betrayal and his stepson's return.)

Sirzechs: Damn it! First Issei betrays us, and now that good-for-nothing bastard dares to return to make my life a living hell!

Ozpin: I'm perplexed too. We even lost Bakugo,Riser, Cyborg, Kiba and Team SSSN.

Nezu: What about those traitors?

Superman: Don't worry, once Bakusquad recovers, I'll send them to personally deal with them. I can't believe Lantern and Vixen would betray the Justice League...

Sirzechs: We don't need those traitors anyway. All we need to do is get the Shinobi, Taimanin, Pirates, Kamen Riders and above all, those alchemist scums. Once we get them, we'll execute them for messing with the Union Supreme!

Ozpin: I'll send Team CRDL to get Yokaiser, and Team JNPR to retrieve Issei.

(Meanwhile, Kutaro is seen thinking about the events which escalated the tensions around the world.)

Kutaro: I better think carefully about my next move, or I won't be able to save the world...

(He then decides to use his Genius IQ to try some better strategies, but realizes that only one of his strategies would work.)

Kutaro: Could this be...?

(Cut to Houtarou and Issei, they are seen at Kitchen ICHINOSE as they are currently working.)

Issei: So? What are we supposed to do after that?

Houtarou: Forgiveness is not something you can force anyone to give. It's earned by those who seek it.

(Issei nods as they keep working.)

(Jack Jones is seen carrying some treasures he got on the way, and then the scene cuts to Tsukiya and Bell watching Aether and Lumine reuniting. And finally, Akira and Jason meet along with their girlfriends.)

Jason: My name is Jason Gremory, but I was transformed into a monster because of that neglectful father of mine

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Jason: My name is Jason Gremory, but I was transformed into a monster because of that neglectful father of mine. He only cared about that brat Milicas.

 He only cared about that brat Milicas

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Marry: And I'm Marry Bloodborn. Pleased to meet ya.

Akira: Call me Akira Shirou

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Akira: Call me Akira Shirou. This is my girlfriend Eden Misakune.

Eden: Nice to meet you too.

(Cut to Kagerou, he and Ruan Mei are seen watching their adoptive mother and mentor packing her stuff.)

Kagerou: Where are you going?

Harumi: I'm going to travel for a while. That way, you can have some time for yourselves. Don't worry, I'll be back.

(She travels as Kagerou and Ruan Mei look at each other and nod in agreement as the screen fades out.)

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