Chapter 43: Fighting in Hell (Part 2)

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Narrator: Previously in "Kamen Rider Yokaiser vs Union Academy"...

(Rafflesia is seen coming out of the entrance of the Netherite Mines.)

Rafflesia: Well, well, well, look what we have here, a couple of true heroes.

(Then the spirits of Fake Oboro, Edwin Black, Barde Barde, Raynare's group, Sona's Peerage, All Might, Kazuma Tendo, Class 1-A, Nana Shimura, Summer Rose, All For One, Cyborg, Adam Taurus, Team SSSN, Team JNPR, Three Old Satans, Black Canary, Class 1-B, Superman, and others who died at the hands of both Kutaro and Alchemist factions.)

Kazuma: You will die this time!

Kutaro (pulls out his driver) We'll see about it.

(Each member from both Kutaro's group and the Alchemist Federation is seen fighting the evil spirits of those they defeated back then.)

(The scene cuts to Rafflesia shooting its beams, blowing the heroes away and severely injuring them.)

(The heroes are seen surrounded by the evil spirits of both defeated fake heroes and villains they defeated, and then Ozpin notices something on Mai.)

Ozpin: The girl... (stern) she's the bratty child of these scums.

Fulst: (angry) These weaklings got some nerve to have an offspring of their own.

Ozpin: (turns to Mai) So you seek to restore your timeline, huh? (smirks) A shame your timeline will be hindered. Better, cease to exist! (to Fulst) Kill those two alchemists!

Bakugo: (comes in) I've got a better idea! How about I rape her in front of them so a really powerful child will rise and become the rightful God of this world? Only them, we kill them!

Fulst: Hmm, making them suffer before their deaths, I like the idea!

(Mai gets completely angered, and her anger repels the spirits as she uses three Repli Chamy Cards and absorbs them.)


(She then transforms into Wheel Malgam, and then Hazel charges at her to punch her, but she blocks the punch before kicking him away. Ironwood tries to shoot her, but she dodges and clashes with him as she punches through him. Glynda slams a rock at her, sending her sprawling as she lifts her and shoves her into some rocks. She then gets up and changes into Unicorn Malgam, much to Ruan Mei's shock.)

Ruan Mei: It can't be...

(Ruan Mei remembers the day she became Unicorn Malgam for a brief moment.)

(Back to present, Mai slams Glynda before dodging some blasts from Kokabiel, and then she transforms into the Liner Malgam and dashes at Kokabiel before grabbing his neck and punching through his gut.)

Kokabiel: It's not-

(Suddenly she unleashes a shockwave that brought down all of the evil spirits. However, she got exhausted, but fortunately didn't faint.)

Rafflesia: You proved to be a great thorn in my side. Now to pay the price!

(Rafflesia prepares to shoot several beams, but suddenly Amazon Omega Origin comes in and hops into the mecha.)

Rafflesia: What?

(Kamen Rider Wind comes in as well, and the alchemists noticed her presence.)

Kagerou: (weakly) Sensei?

(Back to Rafflesia, Iron Mask is seen inside of it as Amazon Omega Origin manages to open the mecha like a tin can.)

Iron Mask: (scared) No, no... NOOOOOOOO!!!!

(Outside the mech, a fountain of blood comes out of the mecha as Iron Mask is killed by Amazon Omega Origin. Kamen Rider Wind then creates a black hole that sucks the evil spirits inside.)

Wind: Let's get the Netherite and get out of here.

(They collect the Netherite and leave hell as Amazon Omega Origin leaves through a different route.)

(As the screen fades out, a chibi Haruka Mirai is seen emotionless as he overlooks Union City.)

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