"She's going to wake up soon, according to Dr. Burke." Chris told me. I looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "I bumped into her outside." he said.

"Well, hopefully she's right."

"You still gonna ask her if she wakes up tomorrow?" Chris asked me.

I nodded. "Absolutely."

"No fear she might forget again?"

"None," I shook my head.

I didn't think Sara would forget me again, because I'd talked to Dr. Burke and she said there weren't signs of a lot of head trauma. She suspected that Sara would be fine in the memory department, maybe even be able to remember a few things from the past two years. It'd be nice if Sara remembered something, she hadn't since the last time she woke up in a hospital and it kind of scared me.

I feared that she'd never remember how we met, how I asked her out on a first date, the dates we've been on over the year. I wanted her to remember even the slightest of things, that was another thing I hoped for when it comes to miracles.

"Rick, dude, sleep." Chris told me and I looked at him.


"You look exhausted. Maybe you should go home for a few hours and rest?" he said.

"No, I'm not leaving until Sara does."

Chris sighed. "Ricky, you can't tell me that sleeping in a plastic hospital chair every night is comfortable."

"It's not, but I refuse to leave her so I suck it up." I replied.

"You're thinning dude," Chris deadpanned. "You haven't eaten a whole lot for the past three days. In fact, I'm convinced Sara's eaten more on a drip than you have actual food."

"I've eaten." I defend myself. "Sure, maybe not as much as I used to. But I have eaten."

"Sara wouldn't like waking up to see you like this, Ricky. You have dark bags under your eyes, and you look so fragile I'm afraid to touch you."

"Oh please," I scoffed.

"I'm serious, Richard." Chris stated and I glared at him for using my full name. I could tell he was getting a little aggravated right now with me, but I didn't care. Chris suddenly chuckled and shook his head. "You're one stubborn son of a bitch, you know that?"

"I know." I agreed, because I am stubborn.

We both sighed and looked over at Sara again, and I swear I saw a slight smirk on her face before Chris piped up again. When I looked at him, he was staring down at his hands in his lap.

"You're not the only worried one here you know," he said.

"I know I'm not, Chris. Believe me, I know. Everybody that is apart of Motionless is her family too, and so are the other girls. I'm more scared than worried to be honest with you. I can't bear the thought of losing her." I say.

"You're not gonna lose her, Rick." he said and I looked up to see him smiling at me. "Her and the baby are both going to make it." he assured.

"I would listen to the big guy," a third voice said and Chris and I's eyes widened.

Our gazes shot down to see a tired looking Sara, keeping her eyes open with a sloppy smile on her face. I gasped and immediately stood, bending over and carefully hugging her. She did her best and hugged me back with the arm that wasn't broken. I came back up and looked at her, moving a few strands of hair from her face. I leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to her cold and chapped lips, her kissing me back.

When I pulled back and sat down, I held her hand again and smiled at her. Sara smiled at me and then looked over at Chris.

"Deja Vu much?" she chuckled. We both raised our eyebrows in confusion. "This is how you guys were positioned last time I woke up in a hospital, you were just standing then." she cleared up.

Chris and I laughed, realizing she was right.

"I assume you guys know about the baby then?" she asked.

"Yeah, Dr. Burke told us the day of the accident once your surgery was over." Chris said. Sara looked over at me, a worried look on her face.

"Are you mad that I didn't tell you?" she asked the question, directed towards me.

"Not at all, babe. I'm actually quite excited about this." I chuckled and she did so as well.

"I'll give you two love birds some time to catch up while I go call the others and grab Dr. Burke, okay?"

Sara and I nodded and he quickly gave her a hug before scurrying out of the room. Once the door closed behind him, I felt Sara squeeze my hand.

"What day is it?" she asked me.

"Christmas Eve, my love." I replied.

"Well then, Merry Christmas Eve Simba." she smiled and I grinned.

"Merry Christmas Eve to you too, Nala. I love you."

"I love you, Simba."

- - - - -

Yay! Sara woke up! I hope you guys still don't wanna kill me, because I let her wake up for you guys! That or she needed to wake up for my next plan for this story... that too.

There are only 11 chapters left, yet we have a whole lot to cover so I suggest you try to keep up. You guys are seriously amazing, and I am really thankful for everybody that reads this.

If you haven't seen the tags on this story, one of them is Wattys 2015 meaning I have entered this story in to win something of the Wattpad Awards! I'm not 100% certain if you have to vote somehow, but if you guys know a way that you have to, please vote for this story if you like it enough. It'd mean the world to me if it won an award, because I am working so hard on it!

Mmkay, I love you guys so much! Thanks for the reads and votes, stay rad not sad! x

- Gaby

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