JC | 017

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A'JOURIE WAS A nervous wreck standing outside of the door, feeling sick to her stomach almost.

She knew she was okay, and she had made sure of that before even considering taking this step. She had been practicing but it didn't help.

Bringing her closed fist up, she knocked on the door softly. "Girl what the fuck is that." She muttered to herself, before knocking a little harder.

"I'm comin' " the voice boomed from the other side of the door, and her palms grew sweaty. She didn't know what she would do but she had to go with the flow.

The sound of the locks being undone pulled her from her thoughts. Once the door was pulled open she locked eyes with the ones staring back at her. "Damn, watchu doin' here jourie."

"Samaria invited me," she admitted. The two had only been meeting at her parents house, or samarias parents house. This would be the first time she would be at the high rise she shared with her older brother and older cousin.

"Well, not invited me but I'm here to pick her up we have somewhere to be." She corrected even though he didn't mind.

He already felt like he was the reason they fell out for so long, so he would never get in the way of their friendship, that wasn't his intent in the first place. "It's cool." He nodded, stepping aside.

She let out a breath of relief slowly walking through the door. He closed the door behind her, and he walked passed her causing her to follow.

This was her first time ever being there so she had no idea where what was. "Um," she cleared her throat walking behind him through the large space.

She didn't expect it to be this nice since was the trios first place but she was proven wrong. "Where is she?" She questioned getting to the living room.

He walked around the couch, and sat down just in time for jourie to see him place his hand around Pierre who was also sitting there. She hadn't seen her until now.

"She in her room AJ, third door on the right down that hall." He pointed with instructions pulling her from her thoughts.

Her mouth felt dry, and she realized her lips were parted so she closed her mouth. She nodded once, and gripped the strap on the black tote bag on her shoulder.

"Okay, hey Pierre." Jourie wiggled her fingers at her, even though she truly did not want to. It had been a month since what happened with Pierre's brother and he wouldn't give up. She had to have her number changed and all because blocking him did nothing.

He wasn't dumb enough to go to her parents house, and he didn't have her location anymore so he was going crazy. Pierre was guilty by association. She didn't even know about Pierre knowing bam so it wasn't her place to say anything, and she had to come to terms that.

For the past month she had been promising to do better for herself, so with that she had to be okay with watching bam move on because that was what he deserved.

"Hey girl," Pierre waved back not even peeping the weird energy. She was just so wrapped in bam that she barely cared. "Oh hey! Genesis—Pierre." Bam cut Pierre off noticing she was about to say something about her brother.

"What?" Pierre frowned looking at him, and he shook his head looking at her as if she knew better.

"She not worried bout him and that don't got nothing to do wit you. Let it go." He warned her seriously.

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