JC | 006

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"MAN I DONT believe this shit. So y'all really done?" Sahid questioned his cousin as they sat in the back yard of his large house.

It was the next day, but it was only ten in the morning so half of them weren't sleep and the other half were. Sahid and bam were amongst the few that were awake.

Bam didn't know Sahid was awake when he made his way down stairs to the back yard where he rolled up a nicely sized blunt and lit it.

It seemed as if after he took his first pull, his cousin appeared. That didn't surprise him though.

He just really wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone.

He had one of the worst nights in his entire life. He felt like something was just chipping at his heart and he slept in so much discomfort. He struggled to sleep and only got a few hours of it.

He wanted to see if he could go to sleep, but his hair appointment with Kourtney was in an hour and a half.

He was starting to wonder if she could just do it at his house today instead of her shop this one time, because he felt like a walking zombie.

"Yeah, I guess so." Bam didn't want to say it , but it was obvious at this point. Jourie had made threats to move on multiple times but now she was serious.

After yesterday he thought he really had a chance, especially after talking about where they went wrong but he was proven wrong again.

Some times he wished he could talk to his dad about it. That was really who he wanted to open up to, but out of respect for jourie he never did.

Samir was the only person he went to advice for, and he couldn't even do that because it would do nothing but break jouries trust even more. He swore he bent over backwards for her, just for them to not work out on the end.

"Maybe we wasn't meant to be." He stated after a long excruciating moment of silence. "Maybe she was right. Shit happen for a reason. Maybe it was a sign that we just don't need to be together." He continued.

"She was way to scared of our own parents finding out about us. We would've never worked." He kept trying to convince himself because that how he felt.

He wanted to believe deep in his heart that she had made the right decision moving on from him. Maybe he could find somebody who he could actually bring home to meet his parents.

"You really feel that way, or you just talking to make yourself feel better?" Sahid asked him. He never thought he'd see the day where he'd give up on them.

After three long months they were no closer to being back together.

"I just want her to be happy. I wanna be happy too. I wanna be able to bring my girl home to my parents , and have a bond wit my siblings. I wanna be able to take my girl out in public and do shit for her, and I wanna be able to post her. Shit I wanna be able to scream how much I love her on top of a roof top if I wanted to. Ion think I can ever get that with jourie." He expressed.

"She care too much about what everybody else thinks instead of herself. She don't wanna tell people bout us because they gone judge her. She love me but she don't wanna be with me no more because she think people gonna judge her for getting back with me after what happened." He kept going.

"Would you judge her Sahid?"

He shook his head honestly. "Nah man, the heart want what it want sometimes. As long as you and her sure that y'all won't make the same mistakes who am I to say anything about y'all relationship?" Sahid gave his honest answer.

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