JC | 007

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"JOURIE I CANT lie, I'm scared as hell." Genesis spoke standing next to the girl as they walked up the steps to the home they were about to enter.

It had been three weeks since they met at the rec, and after everything happened with bam she decided she was completely done with him.

She was tired of him lying to her, and making her look like a fool. He really had her fooled. If Shanell would've never said anything she would've still been in the dark about it too.

She knew he was still dealing with Shanell but her heart wouldn't let her believe. Knowing she was pregnant was a punch to the guy though.

This time around, she wasn't going to waste her time dwelling over him. She had way more stuff she could be doing too. Plus, she now had genesis and he wasn't that bad.

Today she was bringing him to meet her parents. He wasn't her boyfriend, and she would be introducing him as her friend. She just wanted to see if her parents liked him before she took another big step with him.

She still thought he was a little crazy, and his tattoos had her convinced. She would just have to see what the future held.

"Don't be scared, my parents are cool." She assured him which was the truth.

They stopped in front of the front door, and she paused turning towards him. "Just chill," she tried to call him down. She got on her tippy toes, and kissed his jaw softly. The biggest grin grew on his face.

"I really like you jourie." He told her, blinking repeatedly as he looked at her. She stared right back at him, but she didn't know what to say.

She liked him too, but she was still hesitant on relationships.

"Me too Genesis , now come on." She turned back forwards. She put the code in the pad lock and opened the door. The boy raised his eyebrows following her in the nice home.

It was well decorated, and looked to be a lot of money too. "Damnnn," he mumbled lowly while she smiled next to him, leading him towards the dining area.

She abruptly paused noticing the table was full of more than just her parents. She should've known her mother and father would invite their bestfriends and their family but she was praying that wasn't the case.

"Hey everybody." A'jourie announced her presence. Everybody looked up at her, except for Samaria and kamarion.

Kamarion felt played by his parents. They asked him what he was doing later, and he told them nothing. Then they sprung the dinner on him and he couldn't think of a lie fast enough to get him out of coming . Especially since he had just said he had nothing to do.

Now he was stuck at a dinner with his god parents, and the rest of them supposedly meeting his ex-girlfriend's new boyfriend as kamaria put it.

They hadn't talked in three weeks , and it was the longest they went without communicating. She was standing on leaving him alone and he was doing the exact same.

He couldn't even blame her for thinking Shanell was telling the truth, but the difference now was that he didn't care. They weren't together anymore and that much was clear. He didn't owe her any explanations anymore.

"Hey," kamaria and Kourtney spoke in sync smiling.

Samir had nothing to say. His wife swore he was petty, but he honestly did not care.

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