chapter 21

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"what's the progress... any clue .found....?"- a man asked in his authorative voice.

" si..r..we found her but.. but.. there's...a prob..lem..."- other man answered being scared....

"what... tell me .. quickly...."-the man said...

" sh..e is en..gag..ed.. to himm..."- he said bowing down his head...

"I..wo..nt let ..that..happen.. they can't do this.... prepare the jet. we are leaving for India now...."-the man said ...and thought

"I found you after so many years I can't let you go again"
"I can't let her marry in that house..."

"you took my everything..I won't let you go this time... just wait and watch. "

Ruhaan's POV

it was 10 in morning.....and we both were ready to leave Greece...

"don't cry my jaan.... we will come back again.."- I said while consoling cherry... as she was crying ...

"no I am not crying for this... "- she said...

"then why are you shedding these tears..."-he asked

"ahana will be her home right after we... landing in India....... I won't be able to say goodbye to her...and hug her. tightly...."-she said....

"it's okay ..cherry.. you can call her...."- I said..

"no.. ruhh.... we always share a welcome hug and a good bye hug but this time..we can't...I'll miss her.. and I am missing her..."- she said while sobbing...

our jet was ready to departure ...after some efforts I took her inside the jet and made her sit comfortably at her seat... she had now stopped crying...and was sleeping peacefully....

I got a call from my secretary about an important meeting which needed my presence so..I decided to go directly to my office ...
Shivam could not give me update for this as he was handling a different project...

after 10 hours of long journey we finally reached India.... there we saw Shivam and everyone present there... as their jet had arrived before time...
Cherry ran towards ahana and ahana also did the same..they both hugged each other and began to cry loudly...
me and anshuman detached them

"give a hug to mamu and Mami from my side.. and kiss their cheeks..."- cherry said to ahana...and she nodded.....

ahana bid bye to everyone and left .... inside the airport.....

I can't deny the fact that I too will miss her ..she was just like sneha and suhani for me.. in these 2 months we shared a special bond just like brother and sister....
she always helped me when cherry got angry with me
I was just feeling sad for Shivam..
I patted his shoulder and I can see that he was sad..afterall his girlfriend had left...

after a while .everyone seated in the car....when cherry turned towards me...

"what happened ruhh.... are you not coming with us...?"- she asked and I shook my head...

"why?"- she asked..

"cherry there's a very important meeting and I have to be there... "- I said and she nodded...

I kissed her forehead and opened the back door for her..and made her sit inside the car...

"be careful and you Shivamm.. drive the car slowly...."-i said..

they all had gone now and soon my car also arrived...
I reached.. my office..and went to the meeting room...

"sir Mr. Gupta is waiting for you..."- my secretary told me and I nodded at himm...

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