chapter 18

89 27 24



before going to our main leads lets us look how our cuties ..are doing in Italy.......

"Shivam bhaiii.."- ansh Shivam who was just sitting and was working on his laptop

"hmm.."- Shivam hummed not looking at ansh..

"bhaii it's been 24 hours since our trip to Italy started but you haven't took us anywhere..."- ansh said

"we'll go later.. and btw all three of you always come here for your vacation so no need to go anywhere..."- he said pointing at ansh , sneha ,and. suhani...

"but then also we want to go..or else I'll complain Bhai..."- sneha said and he shook his head in no..

"you won't go anywhere..just play indoor. games .. "- he said..

being in defeat ... ansh turned to ahana , anshuman and dhruv.. and said.."now you do something or else your trip would be ruined"

"you wait here I'll take care of it.."- ahana said with . determination and stepped towards shivamm..

Shivam sensed her and before she could say anything he replied..."no Ahana don't try.. your efforts will be in vain... "

"okay then I am booking our flight tickets we are going back to India except you..."-ahana said..

"Ahana.."- he said..

"what.hunn.. we were here to explore Italy.... but look at you.. sitting and doing your work... "- she said angrily.... and them leaned towards his ear and said "and if you continue this then I won't talk to you.."

Shivam sighed.. and called Ruhaan


our cuties were sleeping peacefully in each other's embrace..when a called disturbed them...

"ruhhh... stop your alarm ...I want to sleep.."- Shreya said in a sleepy voice...

"baby..i didn't set any alarm.... you sleep.."- he too said in a sleepy voice and pulled Shreya more close to him...

again the phone ringed but this time Ruhaan took his phone from the side tabled and answered it..

"who is this bloody fool ... disturbing... at this time..."- he said being irritated

"it's me ..shivam..."- Shivam replied and Ruhaan looked at his screen...

"why did you called ?.."- he asked..

"turn to video call..."- Shivam said..

"just say... don't irritate.."- he said..

"please..."- Shivam pleaded and Ruhaan sighed and turned to video call not before sitting..

"now what..."- he asked.. and Shivam turned the camera to his opposite direction where all the siblings were seated..

"bhaiyyaaa. / jijuuuu"- everyone said in unison.. and Ruhaan frowned his eyebrows in confusion

"bhaiii... Shivam bhaii isn't letting us go outside and have fun..."- ansh complained..

"ruhh.....turn down the volume..."- Shreya said still being sleepy...

"don't worry..bacche .. just sleep..."- Ruhaan said to Shreya and caressed her hairs

"diii.../ bhabhii/ shreee...."- all the siblings screamed loudly and listening this Shreya flinched and sat on the bed

rubbing her eyes gently she looked at the screen and asked ".who are these people...?" as her vision was still blurry...
Ruhaan and everyone looked at her in shock ...

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