The Sun (entry) 4/12/24

15 1 0

Dear Coraline:
Holy fuck, I'm tired. So much has happened this week. And my left calf muscle is ripped for sure.... I can't put weight on my left calf without feeling a stabbing pain that just keeps getting worse by the second when I put even a bit of weight on it. I can't anymore. Im so drained and in pain. Both physically and mentally. This week has just fully drained me, especially mentally. My body being in pain, Winter balling her eyes out, Bella talking about how much pain she's in as well as me, Z being a bitchy ass hypocrite and screaming at me. I'm so tired of everything. I'm just crying in pure exhaustion, hugging Kuromi. Sometimes I wish I could disappear for a few hours or just go invisible. Just something that feels like an actual break. Everything feels like a constant spiral. Just repeating itself all over again. I just wanna cry into your arms for hours and hours on end. I'm still not over you. I'm still extremely hurt by E. Everything keeps piling on me. I had hope, but I'm not sure if I do anymore. Everytime I even hear their voice or see them ever so slightly, I feel like breaking down into tears. I wanna try to hang on still, it's just hard. I'm hanging on for you, Winter, Bella and S. Just some moments are harder than others. I'm sorry for venting. I needed to get that out. I'll say more later, thank you for reading cera mia.

Goodnight/morning/afternoon mi Amor. Love you so much.
Love, Raven💜

Word count: 275

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