Flowers 4/3/24

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Dear Coraline:
Hiii, good morning! I do hope you read this everyday Coraline! It'd be an honor! I'm just watching YouTube, I love watching Jake and Johnnie. While I don't really have you to talk to 24/7, (lol), and cuz Winter is normally sleeping. I've been also watching YT more to past time. Anyways, I hope you are doing good! And if you don't notice on the entry names, they relate to songs or our general thing. Like Talking What's Not Yours by TV Girl! Just references to music we both enjoyed. I hope this makes you feel a bit closer to me, just knowing how I'm doing. And I hope you recognize, that I still think about you 24/7, you've never left my mind, not even for a second. If you can't tell, I edit this everyday, so feel free to check this everyday! So, back to the general topics! I'mma go get a few more indoor plants and flowers today! I'mma try to find a plant that reminds me of you for my room. So you'll always be with me. I need to go get ready to do that. And I'mma get outdoor plants next weekend, because this weekend I have to go celebrate my Aunt's birthday. I'll write more later mi Amor! Wish me luck on finding healthy plants!

Hiii! I did find some beautiful plants! Very nice. I also walked Marshmellow today for the first time, he did pretty well for his first time! And I saw that you read this, so hello! :3 And uhm. Not really much else. Me, Sky and Joanna are gonna go rollerskating/blading sometime. And Ayesha Erotica is finally back on Spotify, so I get to go back to listening to more wh0r€core. So, me and Winter will be vibing and screaming our asses off while Joanna and Sky will be questioning us. I also made Cookies today, I accidentally added tablespoon instead of teaspoon for the vanilla. So I added 5 tablespoons of vanilla instead of 5 teaspoons 💀. But they still taste good, better than just with Teaspoon in my opinion, so eh. Also, me and Winter have an unhealthy obsession with Trolls Band Together, IT'S SO GOOD. IDK WHY, ESPECIALLY FOR A KIDS MOVIE, IT'S BOMB. and so we're gonna put on a ✨BeAuTiFuL✨ performance of Better Place from Trolls for them 💀. And than on Monday, we're gonna show Mrs. Beuthien (art teacher) and Mrs. Thomas ( math/algebra teacher) our ✨BeAuTiFuL pErFoRmAnCe✨ including ZZ and Bella. (WE HAVE MULTIPLE MENTAL ILLNESSES AND WE'RE KNOWN AS THE SUICIDE SQUAD/WEIRD ART KIDS, OKAY, DONT JUDGE) we have an unhealthy obsession. So, yeah, fun, lmao. Anyways, how are you? I hope ur well :D. I'm doing pretty good personally, I'd do better with you but, I think I'll be okay. Your here with me as a comforting Ghost, and if that's all I can get, than that's okay. I appreciate it. I love you so much mi Amor, I'll write more after dinner. Love you.

8:40: I'm starting a new landscape based off one of the songs we enjoyed together. I'll say the song once I'm done. It's not by Måneskin, nor MM, so feel free to guess, and hasn't been mentioned in these entrys before. One song I add to most of my playlists. Feel free to guess mi Amor.

If this tells you anything, I drew hands for the 2nd time ever (one time in art class when I was forced). It actually looks pretty good. Here it is:

If that gives you a hint on the illustration

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If that gives you a hint on the illustration.

Goodnight,love you Coraline

Love, Raven

Word count: 621

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