R U Mine? by Arctic Monkeys (entry) 4/7/24

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Dear Coraline:
9:00 am:
Good morning Amor! I woke up like an hour ago. Today I'm going bowling again! But, WAYYYYYY MORE PEOPLE. We're gonna get 2 lanes because of so many! But It'll be fun! Because I feel comfortable with all of them, therefore my anxiety level shouldn't be too high. Plus, I bowled a terribly on our last game, I only scored a 78. Thats shit for me, I normally pass 100 or 110. So, I need to redeem myself, thats also because the people to our right didn't know bowling etiquette. It pissed me off. That was a whole rant with yesterday's bowling group. And I got my Monster cuz my dad had missed the ten pin on one of his rolls. He knows I like monster, and saw that there was a new flavor, so instead of a Dr. Pepper he got me that. I was very thankful, because THAT SHIT IS BOMB. (Monster Energy fans are a cult, I am in this cult) also, if your wondering, it's the Ultra Fantasy Ruby Red one. Very good, I recommend it. And last night we chilled, watched the final 4 on March Madness, my eyes hurt, so I hung out near a window. Which helped the pain. Also, off topic, but I haven't really been able to talk about this to anyone. Ive always have had a weird insecurity being that my upper lip was always so much thinner than my lower lip. Im not sure, it's just something I've always hated about my face. Ever sense the first month of me with these braces on, my upper lip has grown more visible! The orthodontist said that the reason my upper lip always appeared smaller was because my over bite and my teeth being all wonky. Causing my lower lip to be much bigger. But now that everything is close to being in the correct spot. My lips have started to look more proportional. And my upper lip appears as big as the lower. Which, washes at least one of my insecurities away! Yay! Im sorry for it being a weird topic. Just haven't really had anyone to explain that to I feel. I hope anyone reading this understands in a way that small insecurity. Also, now weird fact about my appearance! Right on the inside corner of my left eye, on the skin, it appears that I have a small split. Like you could easily stick a small needle in the place. In reality, it's my birth mark! Many people when they realize it see it as weird. I think it's kinda coolish. I haven't seen anyone with a birth mark near their eye that looks like a split! It really isn't harmful, btw, I'm completely fine. Me being nearsighted and farsighted, and being sensitive to light is genes and generational. Most of my family is. And my sensitivity to light is because my eyes are a midtoned blue, it's common in people with blue eyes. Holy shit, I've written more than I did yesterday I think, already! Yeah, sorry for info dumping A LOT and saying interesting facts. Just weird things I haven't really talked to anyone about. So thank you to whoever is still reading for reading!!!!! And listening to me talk, even though many don't know me well! I will have a tendency to info dump and sometimes rant/vent on this. It's an outlet for me to get out my thoughts and tell someone about my day!!! To anyone reading and Coraline! Exactly who this is dedicated to, as well as for my personal benefit! ^^ I should probably start getting ready for bowling today, I hope you enjoy reading! And thank you for reading, I'll most likely write more later! Bye for now mi amor!

10:40pm: Hii, I'm about to go to bed soon. I'm eepy. But I feel like it feels right to write to you before I do decide to fall asleep for school tomorrow. I had fun with the Bowling Crew today. My uncle, who has cancer named himself "The Cancer" on the board. (Fun fact, he actually does have cancer, and has for 20 years, doctors say he shouldn't even be alive). So we had fun with some dark humor. I DIDNT BEAT THE CANCER. Shit like that. I have officially made my father into a Måneskin fan, I'm very proud of myself, we sang along to HONEY (ARE U COMING?) Together, lyric by lyric. I was very happy. Sense it's a long ride back home, we just listen to music together and vibe. It's really nice tbh. Sometimes we have deeper talks about stuff, which is good and nice. I do enjoy those moments, brings us closer. Which is good, because we aren't that close. Like on a more personal level. So, long car rides with my dad are some of my favorite I will say. He might be a narcissistic piece of shit sometimes, and not good at being a father. But, no parent or anyone for that matter is flawless. Everyone has flaws, including parents. Especially parents, they fuck up, they are sometimes your worst enemy as it seems at certain times. It just means that their human. I'm not saying it should excuse abuse, but sometimes it's good to think on. Me and my dad are close-ish because we both have similar music tastes. And that is good! Just try to find a similarity between you and your guardian,and go from there! It's often not easy, it was difficult to get me and my father to that point. And that's perfectly okay, just know that seems like they sometimes dont care, but in reality they do. Just take my word to consideration if you would like mi Amor. Anyways, I should really get to sleep, I gotta wake up at 5:00 am for school tomorrow. Goodnight/afternoon/night. I love you so much Coraline!
Love, Raven.

Word count: 1000

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