im so tired, vent 3

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Dear Coraline:
I'm so fucking tired. I didn't wanna go to my Nana's that much this weekend because I knew it'd ware me out. And here I am holding back tears on how mentally, socially and physically tired I am. I've overworked myself too much this week. To the point I just need a break. From everything and everyone for a few hours, maybe even a full day. I feel so weak. I don't wanna go to school tomorrow, I just want a break. That's all I wish for. I wanna cry so bad. I need to throw up too. I feel like I might be dying. I don't know though. I wanna write in my book more. Like not be busy. It's nothing anyone has done, it's just me in general feeling a shit ton of emotions at once and feeling overwhelmed. I'll write more soon.

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