Medusa (my view)

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WARNING: Talk of SA.
By, one of Medusa's children, Raven C.

She'd rather be a monster than an ignorant god.

They made her into a Monster, because they couldn't stand how loud the past is.
A miss-understood beauty. Although all the pain, I still see her as beautiful. Because I see myself in her. They made me a monster, into someone I wasn't, because they couldn't stand how loud the past was just by seeing me. So they took themselves away after pulling the final string. The string that tears you apart, close to the end. But somehow the life is still there, just now a broken down monster. Forever being cursed in the soul, because the old one was poisoned and killed. A heart made of now snakes that haunt and forever change the view of love. Used to be the most gorgeous than anyone to all, now is the most ugly to all, except for the one person who will accept her. Who will make sure she's never hurt again, the past did, but the future doesn't have to. The heart made of snakes doesn't understand that concept and thought yet. It'll take time to get that trust to how it used to be there back for someone else. Although all of that. She is still a woman, a beautiful monster and a protector. Whoever tries to cross her now will understand how she felt, because not many try to cross or speak to her. But when they do try to get to know her, she doesn't understand why they do. The world views her as hideous. But this person still views her beautiful. Because of her personality, not her looks, because she is still loving, kind, protective, fun, caring, loyal. Just has a hard time trusting others. Because Medusa does have others who she sees as her children, because they have been raped, manipulated and abused just like her. She wishes to care for them, care for others who have a heart of snakes. A forever cursed soul that isn't their own.

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