this bitch (entry) 5/3/2024

19 0 7

Dear Coraline:
1:00: (I wrote a good portion in 1st than writing more)
Hi love, that insane bitch already said I'm just like E, I was a dickwad, called me an Emo cardboard wrist cutting robot, and pushed me. My school has these like harassment slips and no contact slips we are able to get. Me and Bella already grabbed harassment slips. I knew that she'd act like this. A manipulating jackass. I'm literally only in 1st period, and she's already been a jackass. I ain't letting her pull this bullshit. Fuck no. Yesterday was great without her here, now she is, fuckin hell. Me and Bella will get called down sometime today my principle said. Because we handed them right to him. He's pretty nice and chill. Hes never liked Winter, because shes rude as hell. He likes me because I know when to be professional and show that im mature, but always can sarcastic and joke around in the end. He's chill asf. So yeah, we got called down in 4th. Cuz she literally kept coming up to us and saying bs, yelling at us when we say go away. Also, off topic, but me and Bella are sitting next to each other right now while listening to a story. And Bella was on her phone and didn't know that her volume was up a bit and played this sound

Anyways, back to mini rant sesh, lol. Gotta keep y'all updated. She asked if we could talk in 3rd before doing all of that, I said no because I don't wanna hear her fake ass cry apology fest. And I would've said things that could get used against me. Everything is better without her toxic ass. So I don't wanna hear what she has to say, especially what she said after I called her ass out on Wednesday. FUCK NO. And she kept on harassing us in 4th as well. Like I don't wanna speak to her. She makes me uncomfortable, me and Bella were literally holding hands just so we felt safe and because we were both full of anxiety and shaking so much. She's in the office rn. I'm excited to get on the bus and go home. See my little birthday boy (Marshmallow's first birthday is today!). Also cuz Bob, my bus driver is super nice and gives all the kids cookies on Friday! Because we're surprisingly really good for some hormonal ass teenagers, so he bakes cookies for us on his break and gives them to us on Fridays! He's very chill as well. Also, some girl on a different bus route got caught smoking crystal meth in the back of the bus, he told me about it this morning 💀. There's that as well, lol. And he thinks that my name is really cool. Which is really sweet of him, he mentions it everyday. Always says it reminds him of the amazing birds, moon and stars. He's an old guy, so coming from him it's really sweet. Warms up my soul. I gtg for now, if more happens today, I'll update this, or if I have more random ass thoughts. Love you! Thank you for reading mi rosa.

I'm backkkk, I got home from school like an hour ago. Not much more happened, did some yoga with Froggy, talked to Bob, thanked him for the cookie, watchin YouTube, that stuffs. I'm just chillin after chaos day. Someone complimented my band colors and I got pretty happy. Their a pastel pansexual colors, they actually look kinda cute. I like them. I feel a bit more confident in them. Soo, yeah. Not really much. I'mma end it here cuz I gotta pack to go see my father tomorrow, celebrate my birthday with him and my Nana early. Also, take a shower cuz I feel nasty. Love you coraline, thanks for reading. Miss you.

Love, Raven
Word count: 683

Dear CoralineDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora