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2 months. 2 life-changing months had passed like a blur for Yn. Two months of marriage and one month of losing her father.

Life had taken away the most precious person in her life from her. But it had also blessed her with a person who loved her even more, a person she loved more than anything and anybody else.

Yun Joon had gone, but God had given her Jungkook. He was her rock in this tough time. She was still standing firmly, only because he was there for her.

Jungkook was the love of her life, her backbone. He encouraged her to move on and to forget the memory of a dying Yun Joon on her lap.

She was thinking about what would have happened that day if Jungkook had not shown up. Jackson would have r*ped her.

She shivered remembering Jackson's sinister eyes. He deserved the death Jungkook gave him.

A shawl was wrapped around her, breaking the chain of thoughts.

She looked back to see Jungkook, who sat beside her on the couch. She rested her head on his chest, looking at the sea waves at night.

"Thinking about things that would never happen, aren't you?" He asked, already knowing her answer. He would always tell her to stop thinking about that day. He kept her busy by telling her to do all her favorite things.

"I can't help but think about it. It changed my life, and yours too. I never asked this but, what do you feel now?" She asked, looking at him. He was lost in his thoughts while playing with a strand of her hair.

With a loud sigh, he looked up.

"I don't know. All my life, I wanted revenge from him. But now when he is gone, I feel bad. Not for him but you. I know how it is to lose your father and I never wanted you to go through the pain. And the fact that he died saving my life....it makes me guilty." He finally opened up to someone after that day.

Yn cupped his face and caressed his cheek with her thumb.

"It wasn't your fault. It was his way of repaying you. It was his way for paying back. That was his punishment. Fate had written it in that way. The bullet was meant for him, Jungkook. I have accepted the fact." She said. calmly. She had accepted the bitter truth that her father had repaid for his sins. He was no saint, and karma was meant to strike back at him, in an even harder way.

"You see how everything goes. If ever, your father would have not killed my father, we wouldn't have ever met each other. And if your father wouldn't have died that day, then we would have lost each other." He said, thinking about all the events that led to them being together.

"And the only good part is that we are together." She smiled, holding his hand.

"And we will always be. Only if you control your mood swings a little bit." He whispered and received a smack on his chest.

"That applies to you too. You are way too touchy for your own good. Who told you to kiss me in the hall that day. Everyone saw it. Ajumma was teasing me all day." She said in a huff.

"I can kiss my wife anytime, anywhere." He said, taking her for another round of kissing.


"Stop it this instant!" Yn's loud voice boomed through the huge mansion as she stomped her foot.

She was tired of having to deal with this everyday. It was hard to deal with two babies everyday. One of them was 5, and the other was...well, almost in his late thirties.

Jungkook stopped dead in his tracks and stared at her with a scared look. The little guy sitting on his shoulders had the same look. Their faces resembled each other very much. Same eyes, same luscious hair. Yn was very angry when she saw that after bearing the pain of carrying him for nine months, he turned out to look like his father. And even behaved like him.

"I want this mess to be cleaned right now." She said with a stern look, folding her arms.

"We will clean it after playing." Jungkook said with an innocent look.

"No you won't. You say that everyday. And besides, is this your age to play?" She questioned her husband, who looked down. An angry Yn was scary.

"But Mom we cwean wweaally." A five year old Jungwoon said with a pout.

"Stop giving me that look. You are just like your father." She said and started to walk towards them, only to slip her foot by stepping on Jungwoon's toy.

She fell on her bu*t and both Jungkook and Jungwoon had their jaws dropped.

They knew what was coming. Her face said it all.

"Run!!!" They screamed, running away from there.

"None of them is a gentleman. Nobody came to help me. ARGHHH!"She said frustratedly.

But a smile formed on her lips, thinking about them. She loved her husband and her son more than anything else. Even though they angered her by making a mess in the house, she loved these antics of theirs.

It was night now, and she was in her bedroom when she felt a pair of arms wrap around her waist and she stared at the reflection in the mirror.

Jungkook smiled at his wife, who still looked the same to him, even after 10 years.

"Did he sleep?" She asked, applying the lotion to her hands. Jungkook hummed in response.

"I am sorry." He said kissing her shoulder.

Yn frowned at his words.


"We trouble you too much, don't we?" He said, resting his head on her shoulder.

"That's true....But I love you too much to get angry with you. And besides, this is Jungwoon's age to do this." She said, turning to look at him.

"He needs someone to play with, don't you think?" He asked with a teasing glint.

"He has you and he has other friends too." Yn stated the like it was obvious and smirked at his annoyed face.

"But still, he needs someone who lives here, with him. A sibling maybe...." He trailed off. His hands moved down her back to grip her bu*t, making her squeal.

"Jungkook, stop it." She said, pushing him away. She couldn't help but blush at his antics. He had the same effect on her still.

"Why? It's true. He needs atleast 5 more siblings." Jungkook teased and her eyes widened.

"Are you out of your mind? No! One is enough." She said, caught up in his words.

"So you agree?" He asked with a smirk.

Yn nodded and shrieked when she was thrown on their bed with him on top of her.

The result of that night came after 9 months when they were blessed with another baby. This time a girl. Aera.

This is the end of this book. See you in another story. Byeeee~

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