Chapter 20

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"Yn!" He called her name, ready to apologize. But he got no response in return.

Frowning, he checked the bathroom and started searching for her in the house.

"Ajumma! Where is Yn?" He asked in a panicked tone.

"You only told her to go to her father's house. So she left."

Jungkook froze on his spot, hearing her words. She had taken his words seriously and left him. All alone.

He sighed and called her phone. But there was no answer from the other side. He tried to call her again and again, but she didn't answer.

He messaged her to talk to him, apologized even. But there was no reply.

Nobody had ever talked to Yn in that way, and she was very stubborn when someone made her angry. She was not going to back away now.

She royally ignored him and went to sleep. she had to go to college tomorrow.

The next morning she saw 105 missed calls and more than 200 messages. He hadn't slept all night and just tried to contact her.

Her heart fluttered at the sweet messages, but she composed herself. She was going to show him that she was not weak or easy to get.

"Good morning!" She said, smiling at everyone at the breakfast table.

"It is your first day of college today, right?" Jisoo asked her.

"Yes! I am so excited." Yn chirped.

"I will drop you to college and also pick you up." Yun Joon said with a smile.

"There is no need papa, you will get late." She said feeling worried about his office.

"Yn, when you were little- I mean you are still my little girl, but everyday I used to drop you to school. You won't go otherwise." Her father said, remembering her childhood.

"Okay then today also you drop me." She smiled, finally agreeing.

Yun Joon himself, drove her to college.

"Yn, is everything find between you and Jungkook? I don't want you to hide from me if you are facing any trouble."

Yn wanted to tell him that he was the reason for the problems in their relationship, but she didn't say that.

"No dad, I am fine. I will tell you if I have any problem. Bye!" She said, waving at him.

He smiled at her and took out his phone to call someone. His plan was working. Jackson was helping him with business and it was time to pay back.

Yn entered the college and everyone's eyes were on her. She didn't pay any attention and found her group of friends;

they were all shocked to see her.

"What? Why are you all looking at me like you have seen a ghost?" Yn asked with confusion.

"We thought you won't be coming to college now." Her friends, Jennie said.

"Why? Because I am married now?" She asked her.

"You know the reasons Yn." Her other friend said, rolling her eyes.

"See Yn, I will say it clearly. Our parents have warned us to not talk to you anymore." Jennie said, much to Yn's shock.

"But why?" Yn asked.

"Nobody wants to associate with the Mafia's wife. Do you get it? Your husband is the main problem." She said nonchalantly.

"But what has Jungkook to do with this? I assure you, you are safe." Yn tried to make them understand.

"Listen Yn, you can't force us to be friends with you. Your life is always discussed in the media and we don't want to be a part of controversy. So please, leave us alone." They said walking away from her.

Yn controlled her tears from falling. She doubted if they ever considered her as their friend.

Jackson's words rang in her mind. He had told her that her life was not going to be normal now. Nobody wanted to have any kind of relationship with her. She was the Mafia's wife.

"It's okay Yn. You don't need such pathetic people in your life." She said, taking a deep breath.

She spent the rest of the day ignoring all the stares and whispers. Even the teachers didn't bother to ask her a question. She rolled her eyes at everything and shrugged it off. She wondered about how much power her husband held in this country.

Her mood only worsened thinking about him. Because of Jackson's words and yesterday's fight, she was blaming Jungkook for everything that was happening.

She came out of the college building after it was over. She dialed her father's number.

"Hello, Yn." Her father said from the other side.

"Dad, where are you? College is over."She said trying to search for him in the parking lot.

"I had to attend an urgent meeting but don't worry Jackson is coming to pick you. Maybe he has reached already."

"What?! Jackson? But why?" She asked with a frown.

"I told him I would send a driver but he insisted. Okay now I will hang up. Bye."

She sighed and started looking for Jackson.

He waved at her from the parking lot and she walked to him.

"Hey!" He said with a smile.

"Hi! Thanks for picking me up." She said with a smile.

"No worries, Uncle was busy and I thought why not chat with you for a bit."

She smiled and her gaze went to the student looking at them and whispering.

"I guess you didn't have the greatest first day, yeah?" He asked with sad smile.

She nodded looking down. She felt lonely the whole day.

"Hey, it's okay. Things will take time. Don't worry." He said, holding her shoulders.

"I just- It's that nobody talked to me. My friends or my Ex friends now, their parents told them to not be friends with me. What is my fault?" Asked Yn with a frustrated sigh.

Jackson pulled her in a hug as she rested her head on his shoulder.

"Everything will be soon back on track. Trust me." He said, patting her head.

"Let's go okay." Jackson opened the door of the car for her.

They left the parking lot and Yn's mood improved by talking to him.

But someone else's mood was ruined, who was watching the whole scene unfold with a clenched fist.

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