Chapter 12

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"How does he always know when I need him?" She whispered to herself.

Answering the phone, she wiped her tears.

"Missing me already?" She said with a playful smile.

"I wont lie to you so yeah. I am missing you already. And it's weekend so I had taken an off but now I am all alone in this house, getting bored out of my mind." He answered truthfully. She chuckled at his complaints. She wasn't in a better condition even.

"If that is soooo then I miss you too." She said what was in her heart making his day.

"Really? I thought you would have forgotten everything about the world until now." He said surprised.

She sighed thinking about the day's events.

"I am happy to meet my mom, my Grandma but...." She trailed off feeling sadness consume her.

"Yn, princess what happened? Did someone say anything to you?" His playfulness vanished giving his tone a touch of seriousness.

"Nothing just, its hard you know. Dad still behaves rudely but that's not an issue, I was expecting that. It is about what everyone thinks about you." She said softly making his heart melt.

"Yn, what anyone thinks about me doesn't matter to me at all. What matters is, what you think about me." He sighed thinking about her words.

"But it matters to me what others think about my husband. It matters because they have no right to talk shit and expect me to keep quite." She said in frustration.

Jungkook's face lightened up at her choice of words. The way she possessively called him her husband or the way she felt for him. It made him feel a sense of belonging.

"You know I am very scared now." He said making her roll her eyes.

"You don't have to worry about me, I can take care of myself." She said playing with a soft toy kept on her bed.

"Who said I am worried about you? I am worried for your family. They have to handle you for two days."

"Youuu! Just wait Mr. Husband. I am not living here forever, one day I am coming back and you better be ready for that." She threatened him as her eyes formed a glare.

"Oohh feisty kitten is back." He chuckled imagining her angry face.

"You know what! I am done talking to you. Bye." She said hanging up with a sigh.

She couldn't help but smile thinking about him. He knew very well how to cheer her up.

She heard a knock on the door and quickly composed herself.

"Come in." She said.

Her Grandma entered the room walking with a stick.

Yn stood up from her place and helped her Grandma to sit.

"Grandma, why did you take efforts to come here? You should have called me." Yn said keeping her head on her grandmothers lap.

"Why? Am I some hold hag or what? You don't know but I look younger than you." The old lady joked making her smile.

"Of course, you are most beautiful woman I have seen." Said Yn looking up at her grandma.

"What beautiful? Call me hot."

Yn gasped at her grandma's words.

'Grandma control. You are getting naughtier day by day."

The grandmother laughed and caressed her hairs lovingly.

"I was here for some girls talk." She said making Yn roll her eyes.

"What do you want to talk about, Grandma?" Yn asked curiously. Her grandmother's girl talks usually included how handsome her husband looked and how she wanted to marry him.

"Stop sulking, girl. You are married now. I am sure you had your first night as well. I am here for the details. Spill the tea already."

Yn choked hearing her grandmother's words. She started coughing and sat straight looking at her in shock.

"Grandma!" She said in frustration laced voice.

"What? Now won't you tell your best friend about it?"

"Grandma!" Yn laughed and started telling her about Jungkook.

Will be continued.......🤌🏻🌚

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