Chapter 19

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The house was almost empty, as Jungkook had gone out, and the servants were in their quarters, resting in the afternoon.

Yn checked her bag of stationery one last time. Her college was going to start from tomorrow and she was very excited to go back. She had gained enough confidence to face the world again, thanks to Jungkook.

The doorbell rang, and she thought maybe it was Jungkook. Things had changed between them now. Especially after the beach incident.

She was seeing a new side of him, now a more romantic side.

He wouldn't waste a moment without teasing her, or he would always find ways to touch her, even if slightly.

He would kiss her anytime now, and she wouldn't resist.

Yn shook those thoughts away and slapped her forehead.

She rushed to open the door of the house.

Her smile faltered, seeing her father standing in front of her.

"Dad" She said his name with a frown.

"Will you keep your dad standing now?" He asked her with a chuckle. She shook her head and invited him in.

"How are you, my princess?" He asked, settling down on the couch.

"I am fine but what happened to you?" She asked in confusion. These days, a proper conversation was impossible with her father.

"What happened to me? Do I look old?" He asked, touching his slight greyish beard.

Yn smiled at him and shook her head.

"Not about your appearance, dad. How did you come here today?" She asked.

"I thought of visiting my daughter so I came. Is it not allowed?" He asked the last question in a sad voice, which affected her heart a little.

"It's not like that it's just...."

"Just because Jungkook and I are not in good terms doesn't mean I don't love my daughter Yn, I know I am not the best father in this world but trust me, I love you the most in this world. You are my baby girl, my princess. I will always love you and think about you." He said, keeping his hand on hers.

Yn's eyes filled with tears knowing the truth of his words. She was always loved the most by him.

"Dad..." She said, hugging her father.

He kissed the top of her head lovingly.

"I don't know what the future holds for us, Yn. But always know that your father is always with you." He said, blinking his tears away.

He missed his daughter a lot. He would have done a lot of wrong things with her, but he still was her father, and she was his little girl.

He left after a while and Yn's mood was refreshed, after seeing him. She felt as if things were getting normal between them.

Jungkook noticed the chirpiness in her activities the moment he came back. Her face had a different glow today and he was curious to know the reason behind it.

"Has something happened?" He asked as they were having dinner.

"Why?" She asked him.

"You just- You look extra happy today." He said with a small smile.

"I am happy because, dad came to visit me." She said with a huge smile, but the smile on his face vanished after hearing that.

"What?!" His voice echoed in the dining room, making her flinch.

Yn a was confused at his sudden change of mood.

"Yun Joon was here?" He asked standing up.

"Yes, he came to meet me." She answered in a meek voice.

"But how dare he come here, in my house?" Jungkook asked, banging his hand on the table.

"Why are you getting angry? He is my father and he can meet me anytime." She answered standing up.

Jungkook walked towards her in long strides and stood in front of her.

"I don't want him here again, understand?" Jungkook said, in a low dangerous voice.

"But why?" Yn's voice was barely audible because of fear.

"I don't want the killer of my father to enter my house, get that?" He said, his finger tapped her forehead, making her flinch.

"But he is my fath-"

"I don't give a f*ck about what he is to you!" He yelled and her eyes filled with tears.

"Just don't let him come here next time. You can go to his house if you so badly want to meet him." Jungkook said with a clenched jaw.

"Okay then I will go to my father's house if you want." She said, nodding with a stern face.

"Yeonjun!" He yelled, and the man was at his service soon.

"Take her to her father's house." He said, looking into her eyes, which were filled with tears.

Jungkook stormed off from there, leaving a crying Yn alone.

She wiped her tears away and brought her bag from her room.

"Let's go." She said walking outside and a Yeonjun could only give her a concerned look.

Her family was shocked to see her and worried too. Her mother questioned her the reason for her unannounced visit.

"After meeting dad, I began to miss you all. So I came hurriedly. Why is it a surprise? Is this not my home too?" Yn asked as a new set of tears filled her eyes. First Jungkook's behavior had saddened her and now her family was interrogating her.

She felt like she belonged to none of the houses.

"Okay then I will not be here." She said, turning around to leave, but her father stopped her immediately.

"What are you saying Yn? This is your house. And everyone, stop questioning her." Yun Joon said and made her come inside the house.

Grandma was looking at the whole scene with a concerned look. She knew it from Yn's face that something was wrong.

Yn refused to talk anything further and went to her room, followed by Grandma.

"Yn!" Grandma said worriedly as Yn started crying, hugging her.

"Shh what happened?" Grandma asked her and Yn told everything that happened.

" How dare he hurt my granddaughter! I won't spare him. "Dadi clenched her fist and was ready to stand up and give him a peace of mind, but Yn stopped her.

"No grandma. Don't increase your BP because of him. I have decided that I will not go back." Yn said, folding her arms in front of her chest.

"You are right. Don't let him think that you are weak." Grandma said, giving her some confidence.

Meanwhile, Jungkook sat in his photography room clutching his head. He was still angry.

He didn't mean to snap at her, but he was very stressed today. It was his father's death anniversary. The day Yun Joon murdered him.

He had spent the day outside the house just to avoid Yn. He knew that her face would remind him of her father's deeds. And he was avoiding the moment for the whole day.

But alas, his mood was ruined when he learned that Yun Joon had stepped foot in his house.

Unknowingly, he hurt her with his words and actions.

"F*ck. I should understand that it is not her fault. She loves Yun Joon, he is her father, no matter what he did."

He stood up from his seat and walked to his room.

Will be continued..............

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