Chapter 17

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Yun Joon threw the newspaper on his table with anger. He stood up from the chair and placed his palms on the table with a bang.

Yn and Jungkook had become the headline much to his dismay and people had also appreciated how caring Jungkook was as a husband.

"Calm down, Uncle. These newspapers write anything stupid." Jackson said siting in front of him. He was unusually calm.

"But they are destroying my business! They have proved me a damn villain when in reality it is him who should be blamed." Mr. Park gritted his teeth in anger.

Hyun Sik who was siting beside his son, sighed and rested his elbows on his knees.

"What I don't understand is, why is he so angry with you? What have you done to him?" He asked taking Yun Joon aback. How was he supposed to answer this question. He knew Hyun Sik very well. He will end their partnership the moment he comes to know about the truth.

"That is not important now. Right now my only concern is to save my company. It is the result of years long hard work. I can't loose it so easily." Yun Joon was a cunning fox who knew how to use his cards correctly.

"And what about your daughter? Why does it look like that you don't care about her." Jackson who was observing Yun Joon, said with a frown.

"You can't imagine my pain Jackson. Yn is my pride, my self respect. "

"Then how can you give her away like that? Without even trying." Jackson crossed making Yun Joon nervous.

"I-I had no option. He gave me only one option. And he is so dangerous how was I-"

"Okay I get it. But what now? Do we leave her to suffer?" Jackson enquired.

"No. I will have my daughter back. I will not let him win. Jungkook will have to pay. But I need your help." Yun Joon held Hyun Sik's hand and said with a pleading look.

"Yun Joon, I am always here for you. But you should also understand that he is Yn's husband now. And if you ask me, Yn looks happy with him. You should try to solve your problems with Jungkook, at least for your daughter's happiness." Hyun Sik said before walking out of the cabin.

Yun Joon was furious. How can he accept his defeat so easily?

"Dad is emotional sometimes. Don't mind his words." Yun Joon was shocked hearing Jackson's words.

"You should not let him win uncle. After all it is Yn's life that is getting spoiled. She deserves to be happy." Jackson said with a serious look.

Yun Joon was confused at the boy's behavior. Why was he worried for him so much.

"Don't worry uncle. I will help you."

"But, why? What will you get?" Yun Joon asked, confused at his words.

"Yn. I want you to promise me that I will get Yn."

Yun Joon was shocked to hear him. How could he say that?

"What are you saying?"

"I have my own grudge from past with Jungkook. He thinks he can get anything that he wants. But I will prove him wrong. I will have his precious little wife."

Yun Joon was flabbergasted seeing this sinister side of Jackson. He had never imagined this type of evilness from him. But he himself was so crooked, he saw an opportunity in this.

"If you help me in my business, I promise to make Yn marry you." He said with a smirk.


Yn smiled for the 100th time today as she saw one more post on Instagram with her and Jungkook's picture. Not only the news, even social media was full with their pictures.

"Oh, sh*t! Thank god I realized." She mumbled to herself as she realized something that was important according to her.

"What happened?" Jungkook asked as he sat beside her on the bed with a file in his hand.

"We don't have any picture together, apart from this that the reporters took." She said like it was something really serious.

"So?" He asked not understanding why she was so worried.

"So?? How can you say that! We are married and we don't have a single picture together. What will I post on my Instagram? I haven't posted anything since we got married. My followers are waiting." She was full on panic mode now.

"Calm down. I don't like if anybody clicks my picture anyway."

She gasped at his words."What?! How can you be like that? I love to get my pictures clicked and if you ask me then I really wish to hire a personal photographer for myself. He will click my pictures all day." She said dreamily making him chuckle. He shook his head at her overacting.

"If that's what you want, I can be your photographer anytime." He said with a smile.

"No thanks. I want someone who is an expert." She said looking away. He sighed before keeping his file away and standing up.

"Come with me." He held her hand and took her to a room.

"What is this-" She stopped talking seeing the room filled with photo frames. The walls were covered with pictures of animals, nature, sunsets or photos of the simplest things. But all the photos were extravagant. A glass cabinet had cameras and lenses organized neatly.

"Wait! Don't tell me you-" Her jaw dropped as he nodded.

"You are a freaking photographer and you haven't clicked a single picture of mine!" She complained keeping her hands on her waist.

"Well now I will make sure to click your pictures, okay?" He said as she observed all the photos in the room. He was amazing at it.

"I was thinking, we should go the beach tomorrow." He said.

A smile broke on her face listening to his words.

"Beach! Yes. We will go tomorrow in the morning." She squealed in excitement.

The next morning, Jungkook was all ready in nothing but his swim shorts. He was staring at the waves of the sea, the rays of sun shining on his tan body.

He heard footsteps behind him making him turn only for his jaw to drop hanging.

His breath caught in his throat seeing the little seductress that his wife was. She walked towards him in her blue swimsuit looking ravishing. He knew he was going to have a hard time to control.

He was thankful that she came from the back door so nobody would have seen her like that. It was his private beach and nobody was going to be here apart from them. And her beauty was only for him to watch.

Yn had the same reaction after seeing him. His glorious body was all open for her eyes to see. But she was quick to compose herself.

"What are we waiting for?" She asked breaking his staring program.

"Huh, yeah yeah let's go." He said gulping hard.

They spent the next hour swimming and playing in water.

"No!" She screamed as he held her from her waist and threw her in the water.

"You will pay for that!" She yelled running behind him.

They ran in the sands and didn't even realize when she fell on top of him.

She stared into his eyes that bore into hers with an emotion so stronger, she had never seen before.

"Jungkook" She called his name and instead of leaving his grip from her waist, he shifted their positions so now he was on top of her.

She was shocked at the closeness. He had never been so close to her before, their nose were almost touching each other. The raising of her chest with each inhale did not help him either.

"Yn" He whispered her name in a sensual way fogging her mind. She was not in her senses anymore. She didn't even realize when her eyes closed and their lips met.


Uff! Their first kiss...

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