Chapter 23

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Yn slowly opened her eyes. She didn't even remember when she had fallen asleep.She tried to get up from the bed but groaned. Her lower body was hurting like hell.The previous night's events were fresh in her mind. She had completely given herself to Jungkook. He had made her his. She had felt their bond and relationship get stronger when he made love to her.

Her gaze fell on the handsome man sleeping beside her. His arm was wrapped around her waist securely.Her fingers went towards his face to trace his beautiful features. She was jealous of his long lashes and luscious bundle of hair.

"It's not good to stare at someone." He whispered, making her look away in embarrassment.

"But I can stare at my husband all day." She said with a smile.

He pulled her closer to him and rested her head on his chest."Is there any pain?" He asked, while his fingers played with her hair.

"My lower body hurts." She mumbled.

"A hot bath will help." He said before picking her up bridal style.

Ignoring the fact that they were n*ked, he carried her to the bathroom.They both had a nice hot bath which relaxed her a lot. Jungkook didn't leave her side the whole day and made sure she was fine and comfortable.He was very happy when she confessed her love. Nobody had ever said those words to him.While he was once sure that his life was going to be spent in loneliness, now he was surprised that he too, had someone to call his own. Someone who loved him despite his flaws.

But things were not this good in Yun Joon's office. Jackson's other business partners and shareholders had threatened him to stop helping Yun Joon.All of a sudden, they were not willing to help Yun Joon's company.

And everyone knew why they were behaving like that. A call from the Mafia's men was enough for them to follow his commands.

"What are you going to do now?" Yun Joon asked a frustrated Jackson. Yun Joon was scared now. He feared that Jackson would stop helping his company.

"I can't ignore them. They are my f*cking business partners. Even if one of them withdraws his share I am going bankrupt." He said, rubbing his forehead.

"But why don't they understand that you are helpi-"

"Because of your f*cking son-in-law. He told them to do so and these spineless people work on his commands. I can't disappoint them. We need to do something of this Jackson. I need my revenge." Jackson said in anger

Suddenly Jackson looked up. His eyes held an evil glint. His expression scared Yun Joon.

"W-What are you thinking?" Asked Yun Joon.

"I have a plan." He said with a smirk.

After Jackson had explained his plan, Dhanraj was a bit confused.

"But what will you do of her?" He asked.

"We will threaten Jungkook. He will do anything for her. He loves her."

"What?! No. He doesn't love her. He has no feelings." Yun Joon waved off his idea.

"Trust me, uncle. You don't know him at all." Jackson shook his head while saying this.

Yun Joon didn't know what else he could do to save his business. He had to agree to whatever Jackson said. He was still hesitant to involve his daughter in this.

"I just don't want to involve my daughter in this. I have already hurt her enough." He said, looking at her picture in his wallet.He had realized his mistakes. His daughter did not deserve the pain he inflicted on her.He wanted to erase all those bad things from the past. Yn did not deserve to be punished for his mistakes.

"You involved her in this the moment she got married to Jungkook. She also a part of this game now. And we are doing it for her happiness too." Jackson tried to convince the helpless father.

Yun Joon had to reluctantly agree to the plan.

The next day, Yn finished her college and came out in the parking lot.She was going towards the car waiting for her when Yun Joon came in front of her.

"Dad?" She said with a surprised smile.

"Surprise!" He said, kissing the top of her head.

"What are you doing here?" She asked him.

"I couldn't come to pick you up that day. So I thought why not surprise you today." He said.

"Thank you, dad. I am happy to see you." She smiled.

"But surprise is not over yet. We have to go somewhere."

She frowned at his words.


"Oh ho, it's a surprise princess. I can't tell you now." He said.

"But I need to tell my bodyguards about it." She said, pointing at the group of men in black clothes. They were overlooking the whole scene.

She walked towards them and informed them about her going with Yun Joon.

The guards were reluctant to let her go."Madam, we will accompany you. Sir will not like you going alone." A guard said.

"But I am going with my father and I will be safe with him." She said and left with Yun Joon.

The guards immediately called their boss and informed him. Jungkook was furious. He didn't trust Yun Joon at all.

"Follow them from afar. I will keep a track on her location too." He ordered and hung up. Jungkook started tracking her location.

The guards followed their car but got separated during a traffic signal.There were two ways in front of them; one led to the forest and the other led to a secluded area.

"Sh*t! We lost them."

Yn was confused."dad, are you sure this is the right way?" She asked him. They were almost in a forest now.

"Don't worry. We are going the right way." He said in a calm tone.

"I hope I don't regret this." Both of them thought the same thing.

They reached a small house in the forest. It looked creepy and no sane person would go in.

"Why are we here?" She asked, sensing something was wrong.

"You ask too many questions. Come on, let's go in." He said coming out of the car.

Yn sighed. She checked her phone, but there was no network.

"I don't get a good feeling." She mumbled, getting out of the car.

He opened the door for her, and she followed him in.The house was empty with no furniture. The walls had cracks and spiders crawled on it.She gripped his hand tightly.

Yn was shocked to see Jackson sitting on the couch.

"What are you doing here?" She asked him. Her heart was thumping loudly. This wasn't good.

"Welcome Yn." He said standing up.

Will be continued.....

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