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For that very reason I want to meet with you as soon as possible. We must agree on how to m- Somchai was alarmed when the door to his office was thrown open.

Dad! Manaow shouted agitated.

Forgive me, Mr. Napat, I will have my secretary contact your office first thing Monday morning to arrange a meeting. A nice weekend to you and your family. Somchai hung up the call and looked at Manaow who had apparently lost the ability to speak. Honey, did something happen? Manaow scoffed.

No need to play dumb anymore, Dad. Somchai walked around his desk and approached Manaow.

What are you talking about, honey?

How could you do this to me? What did you do all these theatrics for? To teach me a lesson?! Taeng rushed into the office and locked the door.

Sweetie, please calm down! Your screams can be heard all the way down the hall to the stairs.

I won't calm down, Mom! What are you trying to accomplish with all this?! Huh? Somchai took a deep breath.

I didn't do it to hurt you. Manaow stared into her father's eyes, confronting him.

Somchai... Taeng pulled his arm lightly. He held up his hand to stop his wife from saying anything.

I thought I could somehow make up for what happened. Taeng guided Manaow to one of the chairs in front of the desk forcing her to sit down.

Let your father explain, my dear. Things are not as you think. Manaow looked to her father waiting for an explanation. Somchai sat on the edge of the desk while Taeng sat in the chair next to their daughter.

Since that night I have taken care of everything so that you wouldn't have to worry. When I heard about the problem with that family's company I consulted with the board of directors, and we agreed to help them. I just wanted to give them some relief.

The wedding was my idea, Manaow. Taeng confessed.

Darling, you don't have to... Taeng looked at her husband. Somchai always blamed himself for any decision they would make together about Manaow because he didn't want his daughter to hate her mother too. This time Taeng would not allow Manaow to take it out on him alone.

After that accident you have not been the same, my sweet girl. You drown your sorrows in alcohol, you surround yourself with people who only want money, you stopped studying. Taeng sobbed lightly. That night I lost my daughter and I promised myself I would do everything in my power to see you smile like you did before. Manaow got up from her chair in a huff.

Have you two gone mad or something? How can I be happy marrying the sister of the woman I left crippled?

Approximately two years ago....

Jaojom laughed heartily. Only you were stupid enough to sleep with that crazy Atom. The whole campus says she's an obsessive freak.

Don't mess with me, Jaojom. It's not like that either. I just needed some space. The woman wants to be with me all the time, to know where I am... Manaow looked sideways at her best friend. I'd better get another drink. This is going to be a long night.

No matter how loud the music was, Manaow could still hear her best friend's mocking laughter on the way to the bar. Kai! That was the bartender's name. 4 shots of mescal.

Wow! Are you celebrating something today, beautiful? A girl just as tall as her, dark brown hair, slim figure, with a sweet and radiant smile caught Manaow's attention with her question.

Nothing special, gorgeous. I was just out with my best friend. What about you? Don't tell me you're alone. The girl turned around for a moment, waved her hand and another girl approached them.

I'm also out with my best friend. We just found out that we passed a test that costs half the final grade of a class. Kai placed the drinks in front of Manaow and left to serve other customers.

That sounds like an excellent reason to celebrate. Manaow pushed two of the shots toward them. If you'd like you can join us. I promise we won't bite. Manaow held up her right hand with her index and middle fingers crossed. The girl clearly interested in Manaow whispered in her friend's ear and smiled when she agreed.

We'd love to! Pleased with the response, Manaow called out to the bartender again.

Kai! Whatever the ladies order, put it on my tab, okay? The girls looked at each other excitedly and followed Manaow to the table where Jaojom was waiting.

Around 1:30 am, the girls decided it was time to leave. They had an early commitment. Manaow and Jaojom offered to drive them to their respective homes.

Are you sure you can drive? The girl who danced all night with Manaow couldn't stand up for long.

Yes, take it easy. We stopped drinking alcohol an hour ago and have only been drinking water, Manaow replied.

Pin, are you okay? Manaow saw the girl who could barely open her eyes nod. You're going with the handsome boy, ok? I'm taking this cutie back to my place.

We'd better go get some rest, said Jaojom. Manaow approached the bar for a moment.

Kai, can I have two bottles of water? Kai quickly took them out of the cooler. Thank you! See you tomorrow night. The bartender nodded. Manaow returned to the table and tossed one of the bottles to Jaojom. Make sure she drinks it all so she can sober up a bit and tell you where she lives.

It's your turn to sing tomorrow, isn't it? Manaow nodded in response to her friend's question. See you then.

Beautiful, if you leave me safe and sound in my house like my prince charming I'll give you my name, my number and maybe something else. Manaow shook her head smiling and leaned the girl on her shoulder to walk out of the place.

Mom, I've told you a hundred times not to stay up waiting for me. Manaow was arguing with her mother on the phone.

I have a bad feeling, Naow. I just want to make sure you're okay. Manaow groaned.

I'm fine, Mom. I'm taking a girl home and then I'm heading to my apartment. Taeng sighed a little more relieved.

Okay. You better text me when you get to the apartment, okay? No buts, Manaow!

Yes, mom. I promise. Go get some rest, that's why you have so many gray hairs.

You'll give me depression if you keep saying things like that! Manaow laughed.

I'll let you go then, Mom. You hang up, I'm driving the... the motorcycle.

Naow, what happened? Are you okay?

Yes, the motorcycle... The incessant honking of a car horn and the sound of the motorcycle crashing on the pavement was the last thing Taeng heard before the call was cut off.


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