The truth

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Gyo looked between the boy and her fiancée after hearing his name. W-what did you say your name was? Tawin was about to repeat it, but his mother interrupted him. Rocio, can you tell Marcos to take care of Tawin while I talk to my friends? She ruffled his hair. But I want to know the gossip too. The mother laughed at her little boy's witticisms. Aunt Ro always says that gossip and money were made to be shared. Rocío covered the mouth of the snitching child.

Prince, you'd better not say anything else. I'm going to ask Uncle Marcos to take you to have breakfast while the adults talk. Tawin jumped up and down excitedly, momentarily forgetting his mother. Waffles and bacon?! All 3 laughed. Sure, but you have to eat some fruit too. Tawin pouted. If I find out you only ate waffles and bacon, you'll see. Rocío pointed a finger at him.

Tawin? The boy looked at his mother, remembering she was there. Are you going to trade me for waffles just like that? Tawin thought about it for a second. Well... Manaow raised her eyebrow. No, obviously not. It's just that they're my favorite. Tawin ran up to her and practically threw himself on top of her. Rocio and Gyo moved at once to pull him off before he hurt Manaow further, but she signaled them to stop. Manaow whispered something in his ear that made him giggle and then kissed his cheek. When Tawin got off the stretcher, Manaow released the air she was holding in from the pain. Rocio led Tawin out of the room. A-are you okay? Gyo asked when she saw Manaow's pained face. Yes, don't worry, I've already pushed the morphine button. It will take effect soon. They remained in an awkward silence as they waited for the rest of the group to come followed by the doctor.

Miss Siridawong, you need to rest. The intensive care unit can't have this many people in it. Manaow laid her head on the pillow. I just need a few minutes and after that I will rest. The doctor looked at the group with resignation. All right, I'll return in a little while to make sure you keep your word.

Jaojom was the first to speak. You look awful. Manaow scoffed. You're lucky I can't exert myself too much otherwise I'd kick your ass. They laugh. Save that attitude for our next tennis game. Maybe you'll win. Manaow rolled her eyes.

Thanks for coming. They fist bumped. You don't have to thank me. I have to take advantage of the fact that I finally look better than you. Jaojom stroked his chin and struck a pose. Lada hugged him. Baby, even with all the scratches Naow looks better than you do. The girls giggled. She looks very sexy even in that ugly hospital gown. Jaojom pouted. Lada shrugged and gave him a kiss. Warang moved behind the group avoiding Manaow's gaze.

And what are you doing here? Manaow asked genuinely surprised, noticing that Prang was also there. I... Manaow shook her head slightly. This was not the time. Exhaustion was winning the battle she was fighting. Rocio entered the room again. I left Tawin with Marcos. Without having to be asked, she walked towards Manaow and grabbed her hand intertwining their fingers, an action that did not go unnoticed by Gyo. Perfect because I don't want him to hear this.

Are you sure you want to say it? Manaow had never talked about it with anyone other than the police. You don't have to tell us anything if you don't want to, Manaow, Suay said. The others nodded. I want to. Manaow stared at Gyo. I told you I wanted to be honest with you before our relationship went any further and I'm gonna do it even if you don't want to be with me after what you're about to find out. Manaow cleared her throat.

Would you like some water? Gyo didn't wait for an answer and poured some water from a container next to the stretcher handing it to her. Thank you. Manaow drank some water then noticed that Devi, Mercedes and Lawan were standing in the corner without saying anything. You can come closer, I don't bite, she teased. Devi looked uncomfortable. I don't like hospitals very much. They give me a little anxiety. Mercedes put her hands on her shoulders to help her relax. Manaow smiled at the interaction. She knew she would have to apologize to Mercedes, but not now.

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