33 |The realisation.

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After all the end congratulations, autographs and greetings i stand on the door and give a last glance at everyone.

The staff members laugh and chat at the successful TRP blast. The interviewer beams as he walks to his van. The live interview was a total success. I didn't believe the number of poll I got tonight. It was as good of a refreshment as i thought it would be.

Atleast it distracted my mind from a certain something.

I give a last smile and nod towards my crew and liza to move out now. They obey and we head out.

After some steps i stop and turn to liza. "Liza, you can go ahead I'll be going with riansh."

"Oh? sure" she tries to hide her smirk but fails. "Good night then"

"Good night" i smile. "Good night everyone! Thank you again and good work today!" I wave at others behind us.

"You too mam! Good night!" They say and pass by me cheerfully.

I try to contain my own flushing of cheeks and go humming towards where riansh's car was parked. He said he'll be waiting for me, I'm sure he's bored as hell.

The warm feeling erupts in my stomach but I try to keep it small. I can't get my stupid hopes up again.

After some steps the dazzling car comes into view. The windows are up like always. I reach towards it and the passenger seat's door opens the moment i reached near it.

"Did i take too long?" I ask wryly sliding it.

"No, mam" a thin voice reaches my ear which was definitely not riansh's. I turn to see it's the mansion's driver.

"Where's riansh?" I questioned confused.

"Young master had some important work come up so he told me to pick you up" he said.

I take a minute to get the sudden change before reality clicks into me. My heartbeat raises a halt and i take a deep breath in.


This is just business.

Why would he put me before his work. He must need me but not more then his business. Not more then his priorities, hell i must not even fall in one. If I did, he would have been here.

I'll be waiting for you. He said. Funny.

I bit my bottom lip. "Let's go"

We drive away from the building silently. I look out of the window trying my best to keep my mind blank.


The next morning I woke up earlier then my usual time. My body seem to understand the stress my mind was in that's why it woke me up at the dawn of 5. My head was throbbing with pain and my throat was sore as hell. Even my body aches because of my incomplete sleep.

In all this what bothered me the most was the empty side of the bed. Riansh didn't return that night, neither was he here when I woke up. The bed was cold the whole night driving all my attention to it and making my supposed to be the best night a sleepless one. Before the empty feeling could slowly crept in me i decided to text him but he didn't reply. I tried to convince myself his phone was off due to his charger being on the bed stand but it couldn't ease the unknown feeling in my chest.

Whom should I even ask? He would've informed me he was going to be away if he cared. But he didn't.

I sigh.

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