25 | The feelings.

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The car ride home was as boring as watching a paint dry. There was an unknown silence between the two of us and I was frustrated as hell. Bhai had called his car to take him so he went forward leaving me behind with this boring person. I was i had called a cat too. First they barged in so early in the morning at 9 then now he won't even ask if I had breakfast, I am so hungry I feel like eating the cushion of the seat.

I sighed and gave up.

"Did you have your breakfast?" Riansh asks and I quickly shot my eyes open and looked at him through the rearview mirror. He looks back at me and i shake my head.

"What do you want to eat?" He questions.


He shakes his head sarcastically and takes a turn. After some minutes of driving we reach a small cafe. The cafe was in black and brown aesthetic with cozy furniture. We enter and walk some further and sit on a place. Riansh sits opposite to me. I look here and there and scan the place. There are not many people here right now except two couples and one father-daughter duo. I look at them and sorrow fills my heart. I never visited places with my father and neither did he ever persuade me to so i can't understand the joy the duo is feeling right now.

I stare at them but suddenly a menu comes infront of my eyes and blocks the view. I blink and turn to riansh who holds it.

"What do you want to eat?" he asks raising an eyebrow.

"Uh-" i bring my attention back and take the menu from him. But sigh a relief for his disturbance.

The waiter goes away after taking our order.

"Why did you not go home?"

I slowly turn my head and looked at him, debating how much to tell him and if i should tell the truth or lie. I open my mouth to lie but my mind suddenly goes to the hug he gave me and i grit my teeth in frustration.

"Vani is going on a new mission soon, so i thought to spend some time with her." i manage to lie. Yes, I am not being honest, but what do I tell him? That father won't like me going back home when i didn't finish my spy work? Or because father thinks this marriage is useless? Both of them would've caused problem so i went through the middle way.

"You don't know how to lie at all." He raises an eyebrow crossing his arms.

"I am not lying." i held my chin high and cross my thighs below the table.

"Well, i won't push it but you should've informed me" he frowns his brows in distaste.


"I am your husband, i have the right to know..."

I roll my eye at him and lean on my seat "Yeah, right the typic-"

"...and I was worried." his words cuts me and my body goes still. I freeze on my place and keep my gaze down. Worry, that's something I never got from my parents. I remember running away from home and not telling anyone to get their attention but all they did was scold me when i was brought back. I feel overwhelming to get his concern but from him makes me feel guilty.

I look outside the window and reply. Not showing any emotion. "I'll do it next time."

He sighs. "You should call your mother once."

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