30 |The stars.

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I enter the living room and finally see the voices and noises that I had been hearing since my way in.

Some kids run around sofa where a bunch of three women sit laughing and gossiping. Riansh's chachi joins them and i stand there for a minute mesmerizing the view infront of me.

The ladies laughing and talking about something they saw on their way here. The kids playing chase with eachother. A young girl laughing at the kids. Raichand mansion never looked livelier.

My hearts sinks at the view of a happy family. I don't remember ever having my family come over except on functions. Yes, we had the same fun as they are having right now. I would talk with my cousins, our nephews would play video games with bhai and mother would gossip. But the elder males, they would never be there. Whenever they meet they just talk business and never sit a second with us.

My eyes roam around the place. It's the same here, no males are here.

I sigh.

Light footsteps comes up behind me and i don't need to turn around to know that it was riansh.

"You surely aren't mesmerizing this mess" His deep voice calms the choas my mind was in.

"I am" i breath out.

He comes up beside me and our eyes draw in a never ending loop. His eyes have now felt like the place i always wanted to return to. A place i have been searching for all those years.

His lips curve the slightest and my heartbeat raises a notch. I blink my eyes and a sudden memory rushes in me.

"Urvashi! Yeah! You guys were even being touchy once when we came for dinner like you were in love with her, what happened dear?"

A ping of pain spreads across my chest and my hands clenched itself tight. I look away from him frowning.

"Don't take chachi's words seriously she's talkative" he troughs his hand in the air.

"I won't, but was she lieing?" I turn and raise an eyebrow at him.

"No, but-"

"Okay" i turn my head from him. Of course she wasn't, you just love playing with me and others don't you Mr. Heartless. He should just admit it and not beat around the bush.

His deep chuckle rings around my ear like a mock this time. "You look cute when you're jealous Mrs. Raichand"

I widen my eyes and snap my head towards him. "Me? Jealous? Haa! You must be delusional"

"Am i?" He takes a step towards me. "So you don't hate the idea of me touching her or any other women?"

"O-of course i don't" i move my head back slightly. "But if you can't stay loyal to your wife, it's not my fault"

An arrogant smirk comes across his face. "I like you commanding me, wifey"

"Yeah?" I raise a teasing eyebrow.

He puts his hands inside his pocket and leans back. "But you would like me doing it even better."

Hotness occurs on my cheeks and i collect all my will power to not think of what he just implied. To not melt, because i wasn't a kid who he feeds a candy and I'll go happily towards him. "Like she does? i am pretty sure that would give you a deja vu"

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