27 |The anguish.

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The night wind blows over my face and washes my hair away from my shoulders. I pull riansh's jacket lying on my shoulders closer to avoid the chillness in my black sleevless top and grey trousers. The softness of his cloth bores on my skin and warms me inside out.

I adjust on my bench and give myself a big smile as the wind also gives me peace. I try to live the peaceful moment where I sit in the park as I wait for my husband to bring our food. The park decorates with lot of LED lights and lanterns. Couples and families walk here and there while some are seated on the bench eating. The perfect night for everyone present here.

I take my gaze back to riansh who stands infront of the sweet potato stall waiting for our turn. I smile to myself. I told him i would stand on the line but he pampered saying I was tired.

I didn't expect my night to end this way as i thought to pull an all nighter but when I woke up from my nap I found a sweating riansh stood facing on the other side. He said they were going for auction and would arrive late so i didn't expect him to show up at all.

My body hurts from all the work I did since morning. But it actually makes me happy because finally after all the planing and paper works our new project is officially on process. This time 'Glamour' is bringing up a brand new product for this summer. The idea had been on my mind since the last two years but since the outgoing fashion was for something else so i paused it. But now it's finally time to introduce it and I've been dying with excitement. I giggle on my and place.

My thoughts get away when I notice riansh returning.

"I told you, i could've stood there instead" i shrug on my place.

"Their was no issue"

Of course, like he wasn't busy glaring at everyone. I smirk and notice two peice of sweet potato packed in his hands "Huh? You brought two you'll eat along me?" I inquire in curiousity.

"hmm" he hums coming and sitting beside me.

"But you rejected at first?" i tease reaching my hand towards the sweet potato.

"You said they were good" he says with a straight expression.

"Ye-ouch!" I quickly remove my hand from the thing when the hotness meets my fingers.

"Are you okay?" Riansh shifts the sweet potato on his other hand and yanks my hot hand to him. He rubs my palm with his cold thumb. "It was hot" he frown his eyebrows.

I melt in his concerning gaze and let him caress my hand longer. My heart clenches thinking i created this relation in a lie and I am still betraying him. I feel like abandoning all the lies and telling my father I don't want to do it. I want to just live for the moment with him. Sometimes when I look him in the eye I see truth, i see his geniune smile, i see his caring words but in the next second I see coldness, i see confusion, i see guilt and that makes me rethink again. What if all i see is what i want to see and not what the truth is, what if I laugh and then feel the awakening of sorrow again. "It hurts" i take my eyes and look at him.

"Does it hurts too much?" Riansh looks at me with worry. His eyes has soften and his gaze has gotten heavy again. He rubs smalls circle on my palm to soothe the pain but how do I tell him where it hurted.

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