7 |The interview.

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I drove as fast as the engine could. The blood boiling inside my nerves. A man who was a part of the group which attacked my grandmother dared to lay hands on my sister. Damn bastard. I was told she went to a birthday party this afternoon and when she was returning home with her so-called friend, she got kidnapped. His ribs would be visible to bare eyes soon. If i find a scratch on her his existence would be blended out.

I rushed in when i got infront of our penthouse and went underground through the secret entry. I slammed the door open. Araj my most trusted worker so far greeted me outside the door. I barged in. The man layed their on the chair, tied, half swollen, half cutted.

"The bastard won't utter a word" hurried araj by my side.

"He will, give me the gun and out everyone" i reached my hand and he handed me the gun.

"Yes sir" and all the guards walked out.

I went closer to him and placed my left arm on his shoulder. My right hand upper his chin with the gun.

"Well now, who do I have here?"

"You won't get a single word out!" Spat the ugly men.

"Oh, i'll get a sentence out" i dug the gun. "who's it?" My face darkened at the last words. My blood a wild drumbeat inside my hands and brain.

"I won't!"

I dug deeper recieving a groan. "The gun has 6 bullets and you have two holes where do you want my treatment from?"

"Mai nahi darta!"

(I'm not afraid)

The anger washed over my patience. I shot a bullet right on his left ear marking a whole on it as the blood splattered all over us. A loud moan of pain echoed the room. Which encouraged me to make a hole on the right one too and i did. The voice bigger then the before.

"You think i need you?"

"W-what do you mean!?" He groaned in pain and annoyance. Feels so good.

"I kept you not for the information" i pressed his left ear with my left fingers and was entertained by his painful scream. "But because you peice of unworthy shit dared to touch my sister" i snatched out his left ear from his head. And heard his loud scream with the music of splashing blood dropping on the faly marbel floor.


I snatched out the right ear too. His scream louder every minute. He cried in agony and his toes curl.

"Kill me you bastard! There's no use in torturing me!"

I pulled his hair back making him look at me aggressively with my palm. My brows getting tighter as the image of him laying a hand on my sister draw in my mind. I grit my teeth in anger.

"Listen, you punk, i am not here to play mafia with you, answer me by two minutes"

"Ahhhh!!!!-fucking no!"

I took out the lighter from my pocket and held his eyes open.

"What the fuck are you doing!!"

I lighted it and took it near his eyelashes and was about to burn it when he replied. I smile in satisfaction. Smart decision.

"Okay!Okay!! I'll tell you!"


"I just know about kidnapping, i was on the gang before but i left when they didn't give me money. Your sister looked rich enough and beautiful so i got tempted i had nothing with the other murder!"

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