19 |The rituals.

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I knew accompanying her to the cemetery would be a bad idea. And it was. Atleast that's what I am trying to convince that one part of me that doesn't seem to obey when that said thing involved shivani.

Flashbacks of my mother appears whenever i visit a graveyard. I remember giving fire to her cremation. I remember watching her cremation and also remember how she haunted my nightmares untill i went america. Now that I am back I am surprised she hasn't even once appeared on my dream, rather someone else i wouldn't like to admit has entered multiple times, and i hate to admit how much i felt at peace.

I glanced at the women beside me sleeping peacefully. She hugs my blazer with both hands as she tries to shrink into them clutching my handkerchief on her right hand like it's the only thing carrying her life.

A chuckle raises my throat but i push them down. My muscles relaxes and inch. She always puts me to lower my guard.

The road was empty so i took my time gazing her. My eyes roams from the shinning ring on her finger to the delicate lines of her throat. I remember how it moves when she swallows or talks, especially when she talks about what she likes, she doesn't swallow, it's like she forgets everything, every pain, every border she can't cross, every mask she hides behind and i can't deny she becomes the prettiest at that moments.

My eyes darts towards her rosy lips which is opened slightly as air exhales from it. My lips goes dry and i push my eyes away quickly in time to save the men in cycle coming from front.

I pass by him as he gives me an angry and absurd look and mouths curses. I don't give a shit, admiring her has become more important then breathing the fucking oxygen.

I reach the gate of our mansion and enter as the gatekeepers open the door and bow. I nod and drive in.

I glance at her again, i wonder if she's a light sleeper. She's sleeping so peacefully I can't wake her. I park the car slowly and silently but keeping the engine on.

I push my thoughts and reach my hands towards her shoulder. My hands stills right before i could make contact. Red. I see red blood all over my hands reaching till my arm. Bloody hands, my bloody hands, right by which I killed people. Sure they deserved it, but she doesn't. Her parents may be it but she isn't like them. She shows she's strong but I saw the women tearing when receiving flower for her mother. I can't touch her, i shouldn't touch her, she's too pure and I am too filthy. A murderer just to clear people out of my way. An ugly man who can't ev-

I see her eye move and stiffen. She opens her eyes slowly and blinks trying to adjust. She turns to me as i quickly withdraw my hand. She's just for business.

"Did we reach?" She sits straight as i off the engine.


"Uhm..your blazer, thank you." she opens and hands the blazer to me. I take it from her hands. The blazer smells like her, with lavender perfume and jasmines. It tickles my nostrils but all i wanna do is hold it tighter. I tighten my hold on the blazer and open the door to step out.

She comes out after me carrying the garlands. My ears catch the sound of her bangles as her curvey waist comes into view. I wonder why she hides her body, but i also can't bring myself to dislike it, she looks so comfortable it makes me wanna keep her like that forever.

No! Get yourself together.

I clear my throat and start walking. She follows me silently. I notice her nervous biting her bottom lips and decided to speak.

"I am glad you don't snore Mrs. Raichand." i mocked and didn't miss the gasped from her. A smirk tainted my lips.

She rolled her eyes and cross her arms. "I expect the same from you too then."

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