11 |The announcement.

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Just when i thought riansh and i have started some understanding, he decided to prove me wrong. I dialled his number hastily. Obviously he won't pick up by first. I thought to myself.


Oh, he did? I thought i would have to finish by balance.

"Why did you do it?" I groan.

"Did what?"

"Don't act dumb, why did you announce a court marriage!?"

Yes. This morning the first thing i saw on headlines was "Riansh Raichand and Shivani Goenka set on having a court marriage as per the latest official public announcement by Riansh Raichand" i was like 'what the heck?' i thought it was a fake rumour untill i saw it myself. Why would he want a court marriage? This is my first marriage no matter the circumstances, i want it to be properly, not just a paper signing event. My freedom is more shorten too! Did he not like the noise the village people make at marriages?
Did my parents knew?


"None of us knew, neither our parents"

"It was my decision" he says unbothered.

"You can't go on making decisions yourself anymore! My life depends too now."

"So you wanted a grand rich marriage?"

"I wanted the right to know. You should have atleast told me before announcing it!"

"You agreed to the marriage, why is this a big deal now?"

"Becau-" i stop myself, no shivani! Don't open up, he'll think you are weak. "I am telling you, I won't agree unless i give it a thought"

I hanged up. How dare he? If yesterday i thought he had a heart, then today i think it dried away with yesterday's rain. Such an arrogant person, which side do u believe of him?

I sigh and run my hands on my phone. I open my friend's group chat.


"Square root"

Vani: What did he say?

Me: He didn't deny!

Akshara: I didn't knew about this either, what's wrong with him!

Vani: Does he by any chance have any split personality disorder? No, cause he would switch from being nice to this.

Mira: Yeah! what's up with that guy?

Akshara: I don't know..

Me: He isn't going away like this! I am not agreeing!

Akshara: Sorry for him shivi, i'll try to talk to him

Me: Don't apologise akshara, it's not your fault

Vani: Wait! wait! I got a theory!

Me: No please

Akshara: Say! say!

Vani: What if he fell for shivi and wants her to be his sooner.

Mira: Damn

Vani: Isn't it?

Me: Rubbish

Akshara: Not entirely, but possible

Me: No!

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