Into the Darkness (Hogwarts AU- 2)

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"This is ridiculous! Why would Ricky choose to go into the dark forest? This doesn't make any sense." Gyuvin's worrisome voice circulated in the dark night, "Are you sure there's no mistake?" He directed the question to Kim Jiwoong, who had stayed silent after sharing the information.

"Perhaps you misunderstood?" Hanbin added, "This is the dark forest we're talking about. How can a lone 3rd year student go there on his own? Even we are afraid of the unknown danger this place comes with."

"Because he is a naive 3rd year student, I believe he can make a mistake as such." Zhang Hao, who had been processing everything said. "Let's trust the head boy. We're four. We can save him if he's in danger."

"Yes please!" Gyuvin said. The touch of fear was evident in his tone. He had all sorts of fantasies about the forbidden forest. He once heard from Hanbin after one lesson of the Care of Magical Creatures by Hagrid, that there are do many different kinds magical creatures deep inside the forest, that some they never even heard the names of. Some are so dangerous that even Hogwarts professors tend to stay away from the absolute terror. To think his friend had deliberately walked into that death trap-

"Remember, no matter what, we stay together." Hanbin said to everyone before stepping in. After he received confirmation from all, he dared to take the first step. The first few meters were harmless. There was a path cleared by many beneath those large pine trees which they followed, wands up, closely following each other. Gyuvin could hear screeches, howls and rustling of dried leaves coming from everywhere. A chill of fear ran down his spine. He saw the prefects concentrate on their surroundings, possibly to look for any sign of Ricky.

"This is bad." Jiwoong said, "If he's not here in this territory, then up front is.." he pointed towards the thin fog of cold not very far away. Zhang Hao saw, with terrified eyes, how the beech leaves had hardened from the cold, cracking even by a bug's touch.

"No way... They have not caught upto Ricky, right?" Hanbin spoke to himself, for he had seen the first figure floating in the sky, hardly visible through the dense leaves of the trees. Gyuvin followed his gaze. There was no mistaking it. The long, black , torn up cloaks, the eerie sound and the light cackling of claws- they had seen a dementor, and were possibly heading towards an army of them.

"Don't draw any conclusion yet. Let's get closer and see if they have flocked up on anything- or anyone." Jiwoong suggested. The four of them, even more cautious, held up their wands and slowly stepped closer to the cold. Their breaths turned foggy, eyes started drying up, shivers of cold were running down their bodies. Everyone had their eyes on the sky, to see if the army had gathered at one spot.

"No, Ricky, no..." Gyuvin mumbled. They were only 3rd year students. Yet to be formally taught about the patronus charm. Although their little force of Dumbledore's army had began teaching them about this charm, they were yet to conjure a corporeal patronus. Gyuvin had hope though, for he had seen Hanbin's patronus in the demonstration- a hare. Zhang Hao and Jiwoong must have their own. So he was in safe hands. He only wished they were not too late to save his friend.

As they closed up, they could spot more dementors floating around. The cold had become unbearable. And maybe, they weren't unnoticed anymore.

"Guys, be ready. Anytime, don't hesitate to fight these filthy creatures." Zhang Hao commanded. Him and Jiwoong took stances on the back, whereas Hanbin abd Gyuvin were in the lead. The Gryffindor prefect intentionally kept the younger male one step behind, so that he'd be able to protect the boy.

The first attack came from Gyuvin's side, drawn by his anxiety and fear. He remained petrified when the hollow black of the creature's mouth was visible, when a nasty stench surrounded him. Luckily, Hanbin was agile. He cast the patronus spell and repelled the dementor.

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