349일 (pt. 2 // 349 days)

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*Once again, this is pure angst! I hope you continue knowing what comes ahead won't be pleasant.*

Zhang Hao didn't expect, intend or like to make an eye contact with someone he despised with all his being, to his guts, with every inch of his skin. It was a peaceful night for him, coming to drink with people close to him. Life had been so damn hard for him for the last two years. He just started to get a grip on it but no! God was never on his side. He had to see the face of that loathsome human being, Seok Matthew.

It was a Thursday night. Hao came to the bar to drink along with his neighbour Jiwoong, some of his and the latter's friends. It was peaceful if not exactly happy for him. He lost his happiness 2 years ago, on one cold night that took everything away from him. Just as he was drinking, he felt a pair of eyes on him. Curious, he met those and God he wished he hadn't! Matthew's eyes were staring directly at him like arrows, anytime they would pierce through his skin and kill him with untold agony slowly.

Hao looked away then faced Jiwoong. "We need to go!" He uttered. The elder wanted to ask why, but the former already made a walk towards the door.

"Zhang Hao hyung!" A voice shouted. Hao knew who it was, so he quickened his pace. But the voice came nearer, because Matthew was running towards him.

"Stop! We need to talk!" Matthew caught up, and to Hao's disdain, held his arm.

"Get off me!" Hao jerked his arm away and yelled. Jiwoong caught up to the two by the time. And he stood in front of Hao in a defensive manner. Matthew stepped back and raised his hands in the air. "Alright, alright! Don't yell."

Zhang Hao's gaze was burning. Matthew was a reminder for him that he once had Hanbin in his life, someone who left him without any explanation two years ago, still nowhere to be seen.

"Can we please talk?" Matthew requested.

"No!" Hao rejected him fast.

"This is important!" Matthew pleaded. Hao showed no sign of changing his mind. Therefore, the younger added, "It's about Hanbin hyung!"

"So?" Hao raised a brow, pretending that the mention of the name didn't just chill him to the core.

"Don't you wanna hear about him?"

Hao chuckled, it was full of bitterness. "Why would I wanna know about some insensitive, coward, double standard bastard?"

Matthew closed his eyes in frustration. Habin, his kind best friend; he didn't deserve to be called like that from the guy he loved with all his heart.

"Hao hyung, please. Just listen to what I have to say for once? I promise you won't regret it." Matthew still pleaded.

"He's dating you, right? Or did he dump you for someone else like he always does?" Hao smirked, "That's why you came to me, huh? To hear from a guy who faced it first?"

Matthew was about to lose his temper. He closed his eyes once again. Tears accumulated in them. He looked at Jiwoong with those eyes, pleading with his eyes to convince Zhang Hao.

"Hao... Maybe just go and listen to what he has to say?" Jiwoong cautiously asked. The Chinese male glared at him. "If you don't like it, just walk away, okay?" The elder quickly added.

"But I don't want to hear about him." Hao protested.

"For once, please?" Matthew asked. Zhang Hao glared at him, then at Jiwoong, then again at him. In the end, he sighed. "Fine! If I don't like it, I'm leaving!" Then with aggression, he chose an empty table and sat on a chair by its side. Matthew took the seat across from him. He already made a gesture to Jiwoong to give them privacy. The latter obliged, but still kept an eye on Zhang Hao from far away.

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