전화 🔞(pt. 2// The Phone Call)

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(Continuation of the last chap. Contains mature content. Read only if you're comfortable with it)


Befriending Ricky wasn't a problem. In fact, Taerae discovered that the eccentric Chinese male was quite different from every other friend of his. Ricky was- delicate. His mind was buried in a soft cushion of emotions. He trusted people easily. Contrary to his cold exterior, he seemed really cute, had an adorable appeal. And he blended so well with Taerae's thought procedure that just within a few weeks, they had gotten super close.

Now of course, they did not carry out any other 'session'. In the back of Taerae's head, he had that fear- that one day, Ricky would call him again. Would ask for his help. He wondered if he'd ever be able to help him the same way. Now that he could clearly picture Ricky's face, wouldn't it make everything more difficult?

Well, Taerae got to test it. On one saturday night, he got a sudden mail from an anonymous sender asking for an appointment. Although Taerae takes appointments till the afternoon, he had some free time that night. Therefore, he agreed. After payment and everything, when the call connected them, there prevailed silence for an uncomfortable amount of time until the consultant broke it, asking for the other end to talk.

"Hello? Can you hear me??" Taerae had asked. Then cut the call and redialed, but no one spoke. "If you don't talk, how am I supposed to help you?"

He heard a light cough on the other end. Then a familiar voice spoke, "Uh .. hope you don't mind. I- kinda need your help again."

Taerae knew that voice. There was no doubt. He had talked to Ricky over phone more than enough times to know. Still, since the number was new, he stayed cautious, "It appears that we have talked to each other before. Is it what I think? Are you someone I'm close with?"

A sigh was heard, before Ricky spoke from the other side, "I thought you wouldn't recognize me."

Taerae chuckled, "How can I not?" He then got serious, "What is it though?"

"Hyung," Ricky said, "It's happening again."

"What's it?"

"The situation..." Ricky mumbled, "I've been trying for the past hour but.. it's not working."

Then it clicked in Taerae's brain. Of course, Ricky called his business number. He needed help.

"Can you help me like you used to?" Ricky asked, "I know, it's not the same with us being close friends, but... I really need your help. And you're so good at it too."

"Ricky-" Taerae stopped him from blabbering, "This is how I make money, I can do this." His tone carried a hint of hope, "Don't worry. We can keep it professional."

Relieved, Ricky smiled. It did not show, cause they were on voice call. "Alright!" His voice was full of excitement, "I'm ready. Tell me what to do!"

"Okay..." Taerae prepared himself. "Get your stuff ready. You have everything from before, right?"

"Yep. Got the lube, the dildo, the butt-"

"Got it." Taerae quickly shushed him, cause, well, his mind took him to imagine Ricky with all those sprawled in front of him. He liked black. So was he in silk black pjs? Was it shiny? Did Ricky take his pants off??

"Right." The younger uttered. Taerae licked his lips and cleared his mind. He needed to do this, to help one of his clients.

"Now, Ricky," he said, cause he knew the younger liked being called by his name. "I want you to take the lubricant and coat your fingers nicely. Your first three fingers." He heard the wet noise through the phone. Did Ricky intentionally do that? Or was it always that way- he just didn't notice?

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