Chapter 88

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Law was spinning around in a chair in the ER, bored out of his mind. Everyone was right, there weren't many cases in the ER at Goa General, and the ones that were, the idiot ER chief pushed Law aside to stop him from attending those patients. The day was going relatively easy and boring, until everyone's pagers started going off. Since Law didn't have a pager, he grabbed one from the doctor running past him and saw that they were all being alerted for the numerous patients arriving from a fire nearby.

The doctor got on his feet and didn't delay making himself useful, but the ER chief had other plans. The moment the ambulances started arriving and the EMTs began unloading the gurneys, the chief looked at all patients briefly before shaking his head and shrugging.

"What... are you doing?" Law asked, eyebrows furrowed, gloves already on, on the absolute ready to deal with fire victims.

"They can't be saved, better to take them to the morgue directly." The chief said easily and Law saw discomfort settle in all the doctors and nurses present.

"I can save them." The young man tried.

"I'm not wasting resources."

Law took a look at all the staff present and closed his eyes, breathed through his nose, then opened his eyes and landed a right uppercut on the chief's face, knocking him out. "I'm not about to let this guy play god, the rest is your choice." Law told the shocked staff while he dragged the unconscious body of the ER chief to the chair he was occupying only minutes earlier. "If you're not with me, get out of my way."

"We're with you!" One of the doctors said and that was the catalyst for everyone to follow the Trafalgar in charge.

Law oversaw every patient that was being brought in, sent the worst off ones to surgery immediately, personally took care of some, helped and taught a few residents on how to properly take care of burn victims, and when he had a minute to spare, Law called Sanji.

"I'm sending you some very specific requirements of fish skin, please deliver them to Goa General ASAP, there's burn victims here and the fish skin will help a lot." Law said in the mic as soon as Sanji answered the call.

"You got it." Sanji answered.

"Thank you." After ending the call, Law quickly typed the requirements and put his phone aside after sending the message. Sighing in relief and accomplishment, the doctor looked over the entire ER, almost all the beds were filled, there was the distinct smell of burning human flesh in the air, it was disturbing the young doctor, throwing images of burning Flevance in his head, of his sister and parents, but Law breathed through the memories, asked the cleaning staff to work on the double to make sure the smell went away. The ambulances had stopped coming a few minutes ago, and till that minute, there was no loss of life. Law grinned to himself under his masks, Luffy would love to hear about that, Law was sure.

Law was going over the treatment of the patients with the worse burns when a very familiar bark registered in his ears. The second the doctor put down the medical chart of the patient in front of him, he heard another familiar voice.

"Oi Law!" Zoro called and Law turned in the direction, his heart almost stopping at the charred looking body on the gurney that the green haired man was pulling with him, the EMTs helping behind him.

"I swear to fucking-! What the fuck happened?!" Law yelled running to Zoro.

"Luffy- he was helping people, inhaled a lot of smoke-" Zoro started but Law pushed him away.

"For a second I thought he was burned, but it's soot, thank fuck." Law mumbled under his breath and quickly began checking the airways first, seeing that Luffy was unconscious, it was obvious that the younger had inhaled a lot of smoke. "You go sit somewhere out of our way, he's going to be fine."

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