Chapter 62

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Luffy woke up when Law groaned particularly loud and slapped the younger’s arm. Luffy propped himself on his elbow to see if the older was only having a nightmare or actually waking him.

“Torao?” Luffy called in a whisper.

“Get someone- quick-“ Law said in a pained voice and the younger was off the bed in an instant.

Luffy went straight to the lobby first, in hopes that either of the three doctors would be there because they usually were when Luffy wanted midnight snacks. When the younger didn’t find anyone but Eustass Kidd with a strange bunch sleeping on the couch, Luffy left for Shachi’s room, the man was not back from the hospital yet and the next choice was Bepo, who thankfully had his door open. 

“Kuma!” Luffy called and startled the polar bear.


“Torao’s calling- he’s hurting.”

“Was he drinking?” Bepo asked abandoning the task of making his bed and left with Luffy, asking questions now to save time later. The bear recalled some of the Hearts had went to the bar that night.

“…yeah he was pretty out of it by the time we got back.” Luffy answered, eyes downcast from shame, only wording what was necessary. “I used the pill Peng gave me.”

“When did you guys get back?”

“A few hours ago.”

Bepo went straight to Law’s room and without any questions, delays and regard for protests from the man himself, picked Law in his arms and took him to the infirmary, settling him down in the empty bed nearest to the supplies station. The mink attached tubes to Law’s nose and sat him up a little.

“Get his pajamas, these clothes are too tight.”

“Right.” Luffy immediately left, both of them had fallen asleep in the clothes they had worn to the bar.

When Luffy left, Bepo immediately sent activated charcoal in his captain’s system and kept a bin ready in his paw to hand it to the older for when he would be throwing up. The bear didn’t want Luffy to see the horrible retching and convulsions that Law had to go through every time he got drunk and his liver started acting up so he had sent the young man away but Luffy was back by the time Law had started throwing up.

Law groaned all the while he was vomiting and it looked like he wanted to ask something in between convulsions, Bepo picked on that. “No, there’s no blood, you’re ok.” The mink answered and patted his friend’s back.

Luffy watched the consequences of his actions take place in front of him in the form of Law being in pain from having to throw up. The younger continuously felt guilt stab at his heart for being so petty to get his boyfriend drunk just so he could win a few games, how pathetic was he. Luffy gave himself a hard time.

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