Chapter 72

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Luffy checked his phone for any texts from Law, there were none so he put the device aside and resumed watching TV. The older was complying to Luffy's terms of care, as much as he could, so the younger had to keep his end of the bargain, and since Law was reaching the end of his compilation, he had asked Luffy if he could work for two days straight to get everything done. Luffy wasn't too happy about it but relented when Law promised he would eat his meals on video calls so the younger could be at ease that the doctor did eat.

The first day, Luffy was ok, being alone in his house didn't bother him one bit, he had cat sat for some of the old ladies and walked a few others' dogs, napped with Zoro on the Sunny, had Sanji make him food and deliver some to Torao, played with Usopp and Chopper, the first day went really well and Luffy thought his brothers were being silly with their worries after all.

Th second day, Luffy didn't have anything to do, all his friends were busy and he couldn't call Law or go to him because it was sort of the last complete day the doctor had set aside for work and Luffy didn't want to be in his boyfriend's way. Sitting in one place on the couch, even with the television on, Luffy felt a familiar feeling rising in his chest.

Apart from the TV, there was quiet. Luffy felt lonely because there was no background chatter from his brothers and since the two of them were gone, he had nobody to talk to whenever he felt like it. The young man tried his best to control his thoughts and will the bad ones away thinking this was all temporary and that he brothers were fine and alive and would be back in another week. Luffy thought he was doing ok but with the sun going down, his calm went down too.

The house seemed too big. The walls seemed too thick and intimidating. The lights were too bright. The quiet too consuming. The ticking of the clock was too loud in his ears, his own breathing was too audible and it all unnerved Luffy, reminding him of his miserable time when he was at Swallow Island. Trying his best to keep his breathing even, Luffy thought of what he should do.

Contacting Law was out of the question for the younger because he had promised to give the doctor his time to work and didn't want to disturb him but he also didn't want to face Law's anger or disappointment if he had a panic attack and the older found out that he wasn't contacted. In the end, Luffy decided to not call his boyfriend because he wasn't even sure he would have an attack, the most he felt right then was unease and discomfort. But he still needed company, so Luffy found his phone and dialed Nami.


"Nami, can you come over?" Luffy got straight to the point.

"Is everything ok?" Nami asked raising her eyebrow and her tone along with it, grabbing her coat and keys. She was going to sleep and was already in her pajamas but Luffy rarely called like that and his voice seemed down so Nami was worried.

"I-" The younger took a deep breath to control the hitch that was forming. "I don't think I can be alone right now."

Nami's first thought was, where the hell is Law.

Nami's second thought was, surely this is a prank.

Nami's third thought was, Luffy has never been alone like this in all the time they've known each other so it was an entirely genuine problem.

"I'll be there in ten."

"Thanks Nami." Luffy smiled behind the mic.

"You got it captain." Nami hung up and slid on her coat. Thin cotton pajamas and a t-shirt was not the best attire to drive a motorcycle in but her friend needed her, so Nami was ditching fashion and common sense in his favor.

Luffy was waiting by the door, with the door open by the time Nami parked her bike on the side with other vehicles. It struck the orange haired woman odd that Luffy was feeling so disturbed that he couldn't stay in the house at all.

Young In Love - LawLu AUWhere stories live. Discover now