Chapter 87

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Luffy laughed at the way Law was complaining about 'too many pictures.' Rosinante forced Law into many pictures outside the hospital when Luffy and him went to drop the doctor off for work.

"I'm not a kid on his first day of school, stop. You've taken enough photos." Law rolled his eyes.

"But you're my kid on his first day of actual work, so I will take all the photos I want." Cora argued and handed the camera to Luffy so the younger could take the father and son's pictures.

"Ok, that's enough, I have ten minutes before I have to meet the board guy, so I'm leaving." Law said keeping his employee card in his hand. "I better not see you both in the ER on my first day here, or at all for that matter."

"You won't!" Luffy laughed with Cora in tow.

"Good, see you later then, I guess."

"Kick their asses Torao!"

"Yes, kick some butt!" Rosinante cheered with Luffy while Godfather barked and wagged his tail.

"It's not a battle but I will be sure to put them in their place!" Law called back before going through the gates.

"How are you spending your day?" Cora asked Luffy, starting their walk back home.

"Imma sleep now, doctors wake up way too early." Luffy yawned.

"So they do."


Law showed his ID for security clearance and was guided to the first office on his right. The doctor knocked once on the door and was about to raise his hand again for another knock when the door opened, Law assumed it was the board director man who he was supposed to meet but the man looked too young to be a board member.

"I know that look, I'm ninety!" The old man laughed and patted Law on his upper arm, rather forcefully. "I'm so glad a Trafalgar is here! I'm not letting you go and join another hospital, ever, so resolve yourself!"

Law didn't know how to react, the old man was too much from the get-go. "You...have met a Trafalgar before?"

"I worked with your grandfather for some time in Flevance, in research." The man thought out loud. "I'm Doctor Qar, I'm also a member of the board."

"So I was told."

"Come on! I'll show you around."

Law followed the man and first they went to the lockers where Law was told to put his stuff in, then the young doctor was shown the entire hospital, finally stopping at the ER. Law had mixed feelings about working in a hospital that didn't have his parents, or his friends.

"Did you choose your scrubs yourself?" Qar asked looking Law up and down.

"Sengoku- I mean, my grandfather, chose them for me. Is there a problem? Are there colour codes after all?" Law looked at himself.

"Well, you're head and shoulders above any doctor here so you can wear black all you want." The older doctor shrugged. "Usually ER doctors wear blue here and essentially, no one is allowed to wear black."

"But, I can do whatever I want because I'm a genius?" Law grinned.

"Cheeky too." Qar laughed again. "Yeah, do whatever you want, just don't think about quitting here."

"Not in my plans for the foreseeable future."

"Good boy." The old man patted Law's arm again. "The ER chief is going to give you a hard time but I'm sure you can handle yourself. I will read a written report of all the patients you saw through the day and decide about your designation from then on."

Young In Love - LawLu AUOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora