Chapter 68

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Law sighed and rubbed his eyes beneath his glasses, he was compiling data from his recent research patients, Luffy was sleeping and this was the only time Law could do his work in peace. Except, he couldn’t quite focus on the text and pictures in front of him. With a silent groan, Law left his study table and his room altogether, maybe a walk in the night air would freshen his mind a little.

The doctor had thought that all the Strawhats were either asleep or busy doing whatever but Law found Zoro walking the halls silently, clearly too awake for that particular time of night.

“Lost?” Law called and stopped a foot away from the green haired swordsman.

“Oh, Law. Man this place is a maze.” Zoro responded and followed the older, sure that Law would lead him out of the hallways.

“No, you’re just geographically and spatially challenged.”

“Nami or Robin might understand that but I don’t.”

Law shrugged. “Couldn’t sleep?”

“Force of habit.” Zoro started. “Something feels weird here.”

“Perhaps it’s the unrest born from the souls wrongly murdered, this country is full of it.” The doctor said and the two arrived at the lobby. “Gets me sometimes too.”

“Maybe Robin’s awake because of that too.” The swordsman wondered out loud, having seen his friend in the library a few wrong turns earlier. “Going out?”

“Yes.” Law put his shoes on then looked over his shoulder, contemplating whether he had enough energy to walk through the entire Flevance, multiple times, in case Zoro took him up on the offer. “Wanna come with?”

“I have nothing better to do.” 

“Please don’t wander off.” The doctor didn’t wait for an answer and the two left the building. The walk was quiet among the two, content with the silence. The streets were all empty, of course, but Law’s mind wasn’t. The older had stupidly allowed his own earlier comment about souls of old Flevance to haunt him. “There’s no danger here, why’d you bring your swords?” Law turned his attention elsewhere, he needed to.

“Feels safe.” Zoro quoted the older’s words from some time ago. “If there’s no danger, why’d you bring your sword along?” The younger swordsman could sense something was wrong with Law since a month ago but he hadn’t been able to pinpoint the reason or found something he could talk about to Luffy with.

“Feels safe.” Law cursed himself bringing Kikoku closer, he hadn’t anticipated Zoro to be that sharp that late at night.

“Why? Isn’t this your home?”

“This is just where I live, it’s not my home, not after what they did to it anyway.”

Zoro frowned, Law was being awfully chatty for someone who was reputed as hard-to-get-details-out-of. “What about Goa then?”

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