Chapter 83

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Ace and Sabo and Luffy peeked at Chopper, Law, Marco and Hongo, talking amongst themselves after checking on Uta. The three brothers wanted to know about their sister's condition but the doctors had shooed them out of the room because they were being too loud.

"Listen, no insult to Luffy and the two, but they're incapable of looking after you, Uta." Hongo said as gently as possible.

"Yes, they're incompetent as fuck, I left you in their care for a few hours and you've caught an infection." Law grumbled, shooting a glare at the three heads peering inside the room.

"Is it bad?" Uta asked, tiredness showing in her eyes and voice.

"We found out about it early, so we can counter it easily." Chopper answered, hoping that his cute face will minimize any mental damage the news would do. "But an infection in the early days of your stitches is not ideal and says a lot about the care you're receiving."

"If any care at all, yoi." Marco shook his head in disappointed, also looking back at the three brothers.

"It would be best to transfer you to our base, where we have proper devices and caregivers." Hongo tried.

"But I wanna be with everyone." Uta complained, her voice barely audible.

"It's either a hospital, or our base. You choose."

"Everyone can visit you any time you want, but you cannot stay in this environment for long or you won't get any better." Chopper backed Hongo.

"How can you even prove that my brothers are responsible for this infection?" Uta tried a last time, defiant.

"I forbade them to feed you chicken and eggs, in excess." Law answered immediately. "What have you consumed in the past ten hours?"

The woman hunched her shoulders and avoided eye contact. "Fried eggs and lots of cola..."

"You guys have lost the right to take care of her, yoi." Marco scolded turning around and walking to the brothers at the door.

"Oh come on, a little doesn't hurt!" Ace fought back.

"What part of a 'it's a sensitive site' did you not understand?" Law joined in. "I'm disappointed."

"Stop it, I wanted to eat that, so they had no choice..." Uta tried saving her brothers from the blame.

"They always have a choice." Law turned sharply. "They just weren't strong enough to enforce it."

"We're sorry." The brothers all hung their heads, accepting their mistake.

"As such, Uta needs to be around people who can tell her a solid no." Hongo took his chance. "So our base then."

"But I want at least five knives so I can stab Shanks if he starts crying again." Uta rolled her eyes, remembering when the red haired man visited her in the house and immediately started crying.

"Boss is barred from the med rooms."

"He drinks all the spirit." Uta told everyone present before they could ask. Law and Marco nodded knowingly, having done that same deed themselves.

"So you're taking Uta?" Sabo looked about ready to cry himself.

"Yes." Hongo answered. "You guys can visit three times a day at least."

"Ok!" The brothers saluted.

"Doubt you'd have the time though." Hongo nodded at Law, who raised an eyebrow. "Exams?"

"News travels fast, I see." Law sighed.

"The Surgeon of Death is leaving us, of course we'd know yoi." Marco patted Law's shoulder.

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