Chapter 79

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Law wasn't sure there was any difference between the excitement both Godfather and Luffy were displaying while the line of people to be let out of immigration gates slowly moved forward. Behind the two, a slightly less vibrating Corazon was trying his best to stay in place. Law sighed, there were three of them now.

"You're ok?" Luffy asked when Law lagged behind a little.

"Yes, joint is a little sore from sitting that long." The doctor answered trying his best to not let the pain show on his face because as per his bad habits, he wasn't telling the whole truth.

"I can carry you-"

"Not in a place this public." Law shut the thought down immediately. "You go ahead, I'll follow at my own pace."

"You're sure?" Luffy asked just in case.

"Yeah, and please try and get Nami to simmer down because I know she's out there and wants to murder me."

"I'm not sacrificing myself." The younger held his hands up.

"So all that talk about how much you love me and will always help me, that's a load of shit then huh?" The older grinned at the pout from his boyfriend. "I'm kidding, I'm glad you have some sense of self-preservation."

"Yeah, when confronted with a Nami, the only choice is to run."

"Leave Godfather with me and go with Cora-san, make sure he doesn't slip either, I'll follow slowly." Law said and stopped for a minute when Luffy obliged and ran ahead. After the doctor was sure he could walk all the way through, he resumed putting one foot in front of the other till he had joined the Strawhats crowding a specific spot in the airport lobby. "I don't suppose you can bite the ones being so loud?" Law asked the pup walking with him. Godfather looked up at Law then looked forward as if actually contemplating the thought of biting one of the Strawhats. "I'll give you two treats if you knock down the green haired one."

The dog barked and Law watched in a mix of wonder and horror when Godfather ran and tackled Zoro to the ground, gathering Luffy's attention who laughed in tow with Usopp and Sanji. Law fished the treats out of his bag as he walked closer to the group and fed Godfather out of his hand, patting the pup for a job well done.

"Should have known it was you, making an innocent dog do you evil bidding." Zoro said still on the ground but sitting now. "Luffy said you were injured."

Law groaned. "You need to stop telling everyone about everything." The surgeon said to his boyfriend and gulped when he saw Nami behind him, approaching him, eyes already wet from seeing Corazon.

"LAW!" Nami screamed.

"I'm injured." Law said the first thing that came to his mind. "Don't hit me."

"Don't hit Torao, he's hurt in his leg." Luffy said standing in front of Law.

"You do love me." The older smiled and rubbed his cheek on his boyfriend's sans-strawhat head. Everyone present decided to ignore what they were seeing, writing it off as some side effects to Law doing stupid stuff.

"I'll just hit him on the head then." Nami mumbled and brought her hand down on Law's head and since it was rested on Luffy's head, the damage passed to the younger too. "I don't even want to talk to you, I'm so mad! You were going to do something stupid, I just know it! And why did Luffy have to talk for you?! What's the point of your own phone? Why are you such an idiot!"

"Torao's stupid." Luffy nodded his head in agreement, rubbing the bump that was forming from the hit earlier.

"I'm not going to be out of communication again, sorry about that." Law said with a sigh.

Young In Love - LawLu AUWhere stories live. Discover now